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Access variable from a script outside?


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Is it possible to access from outside, a variable in a script?
I have script attached to a NPC, in that script I have a variable checking if the NPC is dead. I'm trying to access that variable from another script which is attached to a quest.


Quest script:
if (NPC == dead) <---- anyway to fetch the NPC from NPC script?

do ---


NPC script:

NPC = dead



Sort of, either that or is there a way to terminate a script within a script? Except from markfordelete, I just want the NPC to still be around but not running the script which is attached.. possible?

Edited by zelxi
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What you do is you have a variable in your quest that tracks if that NPC is dead, and the script on the NPC sets the quest variable when the OnDeath block runs.


NPC script:

set QuestVar.NPCDead to 1
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