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[request] M4 in operation Anchorage for US troops


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i was wondering if anyone had the feeling that giving the us troops in operation anchorage was a bit well bleugh... and Nitem4re's M4A1 Carbine would work perfectly


of course we'd have to ask the author and how this would be done, replacing the weapon in the soldier's lists or replacing the assault rife with this...


also because the M4 is rather overpowered in the Nitem4re mod, maybe droopign its stats in line/similar to normla ssault rifle + chinese assault rifl


anyway hopefully this insipres someone tod somthing

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just had a thought (and thougth of bumping) i'm wonderin gif peopel aren't willing to do this ma ybe peopel could tell me how i could do it?

1. Open the GECK editor.


2. Click Files > Data


3. Double click Ancorage.esm and M4A1 Carbine mods


4. Set M4A1 Carbine mod as Active.


5. Go to NPCs and find the one that says "TEMPLATE" for the US soldiers in the list (it should have DLC at the start)


6. Click the Inventory tab and replace the Assault Rifle with the M4A1 Carbine.


7. Click ok, and then go to File > Save.


8. Test the change in game to see if it worked.


9. After that don't distribute the M4A1 Carbine mod you altered without original author consent (it's ok to alter it to suit your needs though).

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