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Looking for a 3D Modeler and Texture artist


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I and a few others are looking for a 3d modeler who is in search of a project. Weather it be passion, practice, or just fun we would appreciate the help.

If interested please contact me through nexus DM.

Project Details

Remodeling the vanilla armor assets in a similar way as the nightgale prime armor I.e. multiple shapes,higher polygon count, slight visual tweaks and improvements.

Not all the assets are in need of these improvement, however allot are.

The point of this project would be to increase the value of the in game assets for modder resources, reinvigorating the mashup armor type of mod, and overall bringing the vanilla armor more in line with modern standards through more means then just texture work.


P.S. the reason I'm going out to the community for this one is I feel it would be better as a community mod/resource. I myself am not skilled in 3d asset creation and have a limited grasp on texture work. I can rig new models to skeletons and write in tes5edit but I'm way out of my scope here. Any advice, suggestions, or offers to help would be awesome. Right now this is just an idea concept but it would be great if we can make it real.


Thank you to all who read to the end and all who respond.

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