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PlaceAtNode started using global rotation for some reason


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I've got a piece of complex furniture which has a ring mounted on a pair of pivots. I've been using PlaceAtNode (or PlaceAtMe and MoveToNode sometimes) and it's been working just fine. But suddenly I've been getting odd z-axis rotations on the placed rings.


What's odd is that the rings, while they're skewed with regards to the furniture placed, they all seem to be aligned with each other, which makes me think they're using global axes for the rotation.


Here's a couple of screenies illustrating the problem.




Anyway, I can't think why this is happening. I';m sure it was working properly before. Or maybe it's always worked this way and I've just been positioning my test pieces close enough to global that I never noticed. Seems an odd way t odo it though - the whole point about placing at a node is to inherit the nodes position and rotation. Could I have accidentally set a flag somewhere to make this happen?




Odder still, I'm also using PlaceAtNode to place the RotationHelperFree marker I use to rotate the ring. And, turning marker visibility on, that's always correctly aligned with the furniture.




It's also nothing I can't fix, more or less trivially, by setting the ring's z-rotation to be the same as the base. But it bothers me when things start misbehaving for no obvious reason.

Edited by DocClox
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But it bothers me when things start misbehaving for no obvious reason.


Welcome to Bethesda Game modding =)


Yeah, I know. It just gets a little dispiriting sometimes when weeks of work break because the sun one day decides it's going rise in the West and set in the South.


Anyway, I think I fixed it. I rotated the ring which worked. And then it broke again. It's currently working after some fussing over the order of placement and attaching.

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