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Post-Civil War Questline and Events (King's Moot, Thalmor, and Mor


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I’ll be suggesting a few, related mods, in hopes of capturing some bored modder’s attention and giving Skyrim a closing storyline. In addition, I am a college student about to head into a lazy summer, so if some friendly modder could teach me how to start off on my journey to modding, I would greatly appreciate it. However, given my naivety in this regard, I am unsure how easy or difficult any of my suggestions will be. In addition, given the subject matter, spoilers are ahead.


After the End – So, what happens after the Civil War?


I think something that most of us can agree on is that the Civil War quest was handled poorly. In order to combat this, some mod have been created that add pitched battles between Imperials and Stormcloaks to the game, or cause Imperial banners to fly or statues to disappear after the war. While good, I feel that modders should instead be focusing on the consequences of the Civil War in order to give it some weight, as well as offer many players the closure they expected to have in the rumored “Redguard DLC.” Therefore, I’ve suggested a few questlines and events be added to the game, resolving the immediate consequences of the Civil War. These are as follows:


-Settling remaining disputes and scouring Skyrim for remaining enemies

-King’s Moot

-What happens to Skyrim now?


I will now divide these based on which faction won the war. Realize that by no means is this an exhaustive list of what I’d like. Instead, it is an outline, and I would be happy to craft a story with any prospective modders.


Settling Disputes


Imperial Victory:

-Announcement of Imperial Victory in Solitude. Large event where Ulfric’s Head is put on a pike. Tullius (and Emperor Mede, if still alive) speaks to a crowd about the Imperial Victory and what it means for Skyrim. He praises the Dragonborn’s Contribution. We could use the natural platform made by the ramp leading up to the blacksmith and the imperial garrison, or else use the Blue Palace.


-The crowd’s stirrings, following the announcement, could comment on the state of Skyrim following Imperial Victory. Who’s happy. Who’s upset. What they think will happen with the Thalmor. There could also be an attempt on Tullius’s life by remaining, Stormcloak dissidents. He’s shot town like Lokir.


-This sets the stage for the continued resistance. A member of the Penitus Oculatus or a similar “Imperial Special Forces” Agent character takes over, sending the Dragonborn out on missions to clear out the remaining Stormcloak camps in the east and fight mini Stormcloak bosses.


-The Imperial Agent sends the Dragonborn as a diplomat to Markarth. There you must speak with Jarl Igmund about the Empire’s plans to allow Talos worship to slowly trickle in once more, in exchange for Imperial support. Imperial banners fly through Markarth.


+Possibly have the Blades follow the Dragonborn in service of the Empire and the Imperial Agent. Some Blades relocate to the derelict shrine of Talos in Markarth.


-The Imperial Agent tells the Dragonborn of an assassination plot involving Balgruuf, as revenge for siding with the Imperials. Balgruuf needs to be alive to support Elisif in the coming Moot. You attend a feast at Dragonsreach and through dialogue options have to find out who the assassin is.


+There could be various options – kill the assassin quietly, have Balgruuf’s guards arrest him, or confront him in front of everyone.


-Either way, through questioning or a note found on his body, the Imperial Agent discovers there is a last Stormcloak leader who he sends you to arrest him (using a speech skill option or beating him down) so that he will formally surrender. However, the Thalmor assassinate him, thus elongating the conflict. You kill the Thalmor involved that were meant to assassinate you as well and report to the Imperial Agent.


-Worried about what the Thalmor are doing, but confident the Stormcloak resistance is weakened, the Agent and Tullius wait for the Kings Moot and hope to make Elisif High Queen.


Stormcloak Victory:


-Ulfric announces his victory at Windhelm from his keep to a group of couriers which he sends to all the holds. He says the Dragonborn was integral to Stormcloak victory, but, ever the ego-centric leader, gives himself a lot of credit. He is also wearing the Jagged Crown now.


-All Imperial camps scattered through Skyrim are gone. Didn’t make much sense for a centralized military to have such camps anyway.


-Ulfric plans to force Elisif to marry him in order to stop any future threats to his legitimacy and secure control over Solitude. He sends the Dragonborn to collect her from Solitude, but it turns out the Penitus Oculatus is trying to secret her away on a ship. You fight through the Penitus Oculatus and capture her.


-Despite Tullius’s defeat, the Imperials have not given up. Scouts report a column of Imperial troops heading up from Cyrodiil on the Bruma road. Ulfric sends you with Galmar Stonefist and a group of Stormcloak guerilla fighters to ambush the Imperial wagon train in southern Skyrim. This would involve your group charging into a road where many imperial soldiers are, along with a few of the “broken wagon” models that are used throughout Skyrim. Your “reward” is looting the many boxes full of alchemical “supplies” and fighting an Imperial leader.


-An Imperial plot to put Maven Black-Briar in control of Riften is discovered. Rather than defend her at a banquet, you initiate an assault on the Black-Briar Brewery with Galmar Stonefist and the Stormcloaks against Imperial agents and Black-Briar henchmen. Maven is imprisoned, but buys her way out by promising Ulfric heavy taxes to support his fledgling regime.


-Confident that he is positioned well, Ulfric waits for the Kings Moot that will make him High King.



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King’s Moot

Imperial Victoy:

-The Dragonborn is recalled to Solitude where Tullius, Rikke, and the Imperial Agent discuss the plotting of the Thalmor and secretive meetings Elenwen has been having. They tell you that the King’s Moot will be held at High Hrothgar or some other keep, and they need you to support Elisif. They send you to speak with Balgruuf.

+At this point, the Dragonborn is given a choice – whether to support Elisif or not.

+The Dragonborn can also support Maven Black-Briar, one of the most powerful women in Skyrim, or Jarl Balgruuf the Greater.

=Maven contacts you via courier, inviting you to a meeting in which she asks you to support her and plies you with drink and gold.

=The player is given the chance to support Balgruuf while speaking to him, suggesting that he be High King instead of Elisif. No matter what you choose, Balgruuf will support you.

-Following the Dragonborn’s decision, you must convince four Jarls (not including Balgruuf) to support your claimant as High King/Queen at the King’s Moot. These are special missions for the Jarl, specific to who they are, such as:

+Brunwulf Free-Winter asks you to investigate the disappearances of Dunmer in Windhelm. This leads to a quest in which a group of Nord nationalists are killing Dunmer or selling them in bondage to Black Marsh. You hunt down and kill the Nord leader.

+Igmund of Markarth asks you to figure out why the Forsworn are growing more and more active. You investigate with a group of Markarth Guards and get ambushed on one of the roads. When you track the Forsworn to their camp, you find they’re being supplied by the Thalmor.


+Siddgeir, given his greedy and immoral nature (as well as his preference for Black-Briar mead) will support Maven Black-Briar. For simplicity's sake, this could stay that way, or else the Dragonborn could threaten to reveal his dealings with the local bandits. Doing so could either force Siddgeir to support your chosen Jarl or else cause a fight in which the Dragonborn kills Siddgeir and his men (thus allowing his ex-Stormcloak uncle to retake the throne).


+Kraldar. I was feeling creative here, and inspired by Morrowind's use of faction-specific dialogue choices. Given his support for the College of Winterhold and close relationship with Savos Aren, if the Dragonborn has completed the Mage's Guild questline and become Archmage, Kraldar will automatically support his choice. If not, Kraldar will ask the Dragonborn for two -- 1. Retrieve the helm of Winterhold, cementing his place as the new Jarl of the city-- town. 2. Convince your chosen candidate (or the Empire) to offer Winterhold greater preference and invest in the building of a harbor below the College, for the future growth of the hold (given Kraldar's desire the rebuild to glorious old capital). If you have already done the Helm of Winterhold quest for Korir, you'd have to find him in Brunwulf Free-Winter's home. You could either convince him to give up the Helm (a very-high speech test), pay him (an extremely large sum of money, given what you're asking him to do) or kill him for the Helm.


+Brina Merilis will support the Imperial choice for Jarl, Elisif (or Balgruuf, if you can convince the Empire to support you), given her devotion to the Empire. In addition, if you have done the Vaermina Daedric Quest, she will consider you a friend of Dawnstar and support your choice.


+Idgrod Ravencone: Seeing as this Jarl is involved in a number of quests (Diplomatic Immunity, Falion's Secret, and Laid to Rest), if the Dragonborn has previously befriended Idgrod through hunting the Vampires of Morthal, then all it will take is a conversation to convince her to support Elisif (appealing to her rationality -- imperial support is good for Skyrim) or Balgruuf. Otherwise, I'm not quite sure yet and would love suggestions.

+I’ll come up with more.

-The King’s Moot takes place and those Jarls you have brought to your side vote for your choice. Your choice is crowned by Tullius (or the Emperor, if he is still alive), albeit begrudgingly if it is not Elisif.

-The Thalmor attack the King’s Moot, trying to assassinate all the Jarls of Skyrim and the Imperial power structure, realizing that their gambit to destabilize Skyrim has almost failed. You fight them off, and the Thalmor’s intentions become clear.

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  • 3 months later...

Edit: Added the rest of the Jarl quest ideas to the post above




Stormcloak Victory:

-Ulfric is already acting as High King, wearing the Jagged Crown. He knows most of the Jarls support him.

-Galmar Stonefist reports that Thongvor Silver-Blood is bribing some Jarls into supporting him. Skald, Vignar Greymane, and Dengeir of Stuhn remain fiercely loyal to Ulfric (the older, traditionalist Jarls), but Sorli the Builder has been promised more mining rights by Thongvor, Laila Law-Giver has little confidence in Ulfric, and Korir has been promised protection for Winterhold against the magic interferences of sorcerers through some unknown Dwemer technology. Elisif is forcibly engaged to Ulfric as long as she’s ‘imprisoned’ at the Palace of Kings, but she may not support him at the public King’s Moot.

+In order to support the symbolism of his ascendancy, Ulfric wants unanimous support at the moot. If Korir, Laila, and Sorli support Ulfric, Thongvor will give up his campaign and Elisif will vote for Ulfric.

-Thus, similar to the Imperial side, the Dragonborn must complete certain missions to convince Sorli, Laila, and Korir.

+For Korir, the Dragonborn must ambush the delivery of Thongvor’s Dwemer Artifact that will protect Winterhold from the effects of the College. It turns out it was all a farce and that the artifact was only a collection of Dwemer metals welded around a soulstone, Thongvor having known Korir would do anything for anti-magic capabilities. Korir, angry at Thongvor’s deception, supports Ulfric.

+For Sorli, Ulfric sends the Dragonborn to the mine that Thongvor has promised her and you collapse the mine, thus making it useless. You also fight Thongvor’s thugs.

+For Laila, you and Ulfric go out together to fight a dragon that has been terrorizing Riften. When you return, you can either tell Laila that Ulfric did all the work, or that you slayed the dragon, but seeing as you are supporting Ulfric, she should support you.

-Finally, considering Ulfric’s traditionalist approach, he probably focuses on symbolism. He sends you to retrieve Red Eagle’s sword from the Forsworn and give it to him, making him symbolic leader of the Forsworn. While this gives him no real power, it adds to the majesty and mystique around Ulfric.

-Finally, at the King’s Moot, Ulfric is elected High King. The Thalmor try to ambush all the Jarls in Skyrim and you fight them off, as you do in the Imperial questline.

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(This might be getting over-complicated, as it seems obvious the Stormcloack Dragonborn should support Ulfric, but I believe in the Morrowind idea of letting you do anything you like)


Conversely, should you decide to support Thongvor after the rebellion, your goal will be not only to convince the non-traditionalist Jarls to support Thongvor, but also to undermine Ulfric's powerbase (lest he go to war following his defeat in the Moot). As such, your role will involve tricking and bribing Sorli, Korir, and Laila, freeing Elisif from bondage, and making Ulfric appear incompetent. In addition, should you help Thongvor become High King, he will give you an incredibly large sum of gold and gift you the Markarth home.


Your first goal will be to establish a powerbase -- wooing the less traditionalist Jarls to Silver-Blood's side.


+You'll approach Sorli the Builder in Morthal and offer her access to a mine the Silver-Bloods used to own that is currently under Forsworn control. After clearing out the Forsworn and bringing her the deed, she will thank you and consider supporting Thongvor.


+Next, you approach Korir. He is happy with Ulfric because, like him, he shares his hatred and fear of elves. As such, Thongvor wants to promise him the world: a Dwemer device to dampen the power of the mages who he believes are responsible for the collapse of Winterhold. In addition, he'll lend him workers to help rebuild the city. IF you have not already, you'll need to retrieve the Helm of Winterhold and offer a demonstration of The Device. Of course, it's a fake, but you'll go to a cave full of rogue wizards and murder them all, reporting back to Korir that the test was a success.


+Laila Law-Giver, never confident in Ulfric, is worried about the Thieves' Guild in her town. This quest will again allow for faction-related solutions. Should you be master of the Thieves' Guild, you can promise her that the Guild will be handled (not necessarily revealing your identity as its leader), ending guild operations in Riften. This will seem to the Jarl like a miracle. Otherwise, you can kill Laila and let her arrogant son take the throne, whom you can promptly bribe (possibly this could be limited to DB Dragonborn). If you're not related to either faction, you'll need to meet with Brynjolf and pay him off (a hefty sum) or do a favor for him to keep guild activity low until the Moot is over.


Next, the Dragonborn will need to undermine Ulfric's popularity and keep Elisif out of his hands. I think there could be a few ways of doing this. You could cut a deal with the Empire for Thongvor, guaranteeing Talos worship in Skyrim as long as Thongvor brings them Ulfric once he wins. This gives Markarth some much-needed manpower. You would free Elisif from her room in Windhelm, sneaking her out of the city and away from her forced marriage to Ulfric. If you're part of the Thieves' Guild, you could steal the Jagged Crown. Next, you sneak into the Grey Quarter and start a riot of Dark Elves against Nords, making it seem as if Ulfric cannot control his own city.


At the time of the Moot, Thongvor would win by one vote (Sorli, Laila, Korir, Elisif, and his own)

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Thalmor and Closure(?)


War... War never cha-- sorry. Sorry. Wrong series. At any rate, after all of the chaos that is the Moot, a High King is elected. The only differences will involve Stormcloak of Imperial leanings.



Imperial Victory


Should an Imperial Jarl take the throne of High King, he will be ambushed at the moot by the Thalmor. A united Skyrim is a strong Skyrim. And a strong Skyrim is a strong Empire. The Dragonborn will defend the High King (or Queen) from the Thalmor assassins and escort him (or her) to their city. In response to the Thalmor attack, the High King will send a missive to the Empire, asking them what the bloody hell is going on with the Thalmor. Meanwhile, yet another assassination attempt will take place in the keep of the High King (different depending which city is the seat of the High King).


Tired of this nonsense, the High King will send the Dragonborn to the Thalmor Embassy to deal with the problem of the Thalmor. You may bring the Blades with you. The Embassy will be found preparing for a siege, and will fire at the Dragonborn as he approaches. After slaying the defenders (again, if you've done it before), you will find Elenwen (or a note left by Elenwen). A dying Elenwen or her note will tell you of Skyrim's impending doom in a cryptic, vague message that hints at the arrival of yet more Aldmeri soldiers. When you leave the embassy, you will be accosted by a courier of the High King.


Elven forces are besieging Solitude and Whiterun (maybe Riften? Also, I'm deeming Windhelm weak from the earlier siege to merit an attack). In addition, a horde of Forsworn have taken all the roads out of Markarth, thus keeping the City of Stone's considerable armies from coming to the High King's defense. The Dragonborn will meet the High King outside of his city in a secret meeting, during which he implores the Dragonborn to travel to the free holds of Skyrim, alerting the Jarls to the Thalmor treachery, and gathering an army to relieve his seat. The Imperial military is holding off Aldmeri forces in the other holds, for now.


Forces the Dragonborn can recruit --


-Dawnstar (and its navy)




-The College of Winterhold (if you're Archmage)

-The Thieves' Guild (if you're a Nightingale)

-The Dark Brotherhood (if you're Listener)

-(The Companions will automatically defend Skyrim from the elves)

-Orcish Strongholds


Once you have gathered these forces you will be told by the High King that it's not yet enough. You must appeal to Windhelm and its great many elf-haters and ex-Stormcloaks. You and Brunwulf Free-Winter must figure out how to galvanize the men of Eastmarch to help an Empire and High King they felt has betrayed them. This will involve speech checks (which could be Thieves' Guild intimidation) or bribes, as well as favors for the warriors of the region. Finally, with this army, you will march to relieve the siege of the High King's seat. There will be a pitched battle between you, your forces, and the elven forces outside of the city. After defeating the elves in the city, you will learn they have broken through and they're already wreaking havoc in the city, hunting for the High King.


You will enter the city and find it in chaos, guards fighting elves. Going to the High King's keep, you'll defend him from death at the hands of the Thalmor and confront the Aldmeri general, learning of the Thalmor plot to aid the Stormcloaks during the Civil War to keep the Empire weak, so that they could later invade the Empire without the help of its strongest province. The High King will decide to send a message to the Emperor with this warning, and send his forces to relieve the other cities under siege.


(Think we could also add some bits where you fight a Wood Elf master-hunter and a Khajiit assassin in the employ of the Thalmor, while you're recruiting all of your forces)

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't started on Recruit More Blades yet, but it seems to be the first of several episodic mods that expands on fighting the Thalmor. And when CWO comes back as Epic Gameplay Overhaul, maybe it will include a King's Moot quest line.


For now, I'd be happy with the option to marry Elisif/Ulfric, or alternatively, challenge her/him for the crown. It could even go down like 'Season Unending'. Becoming Thane of each hold is already a built-in yard stick for gaining popular support.

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This mod is naturally impossible. For one you'd have to have somebody completely do over multiple important NPC's voice acting, not only in this new mod but ANY dialogue they have. You'd also have to completely do the dialogue over so many NPCs including common day citizens and important nobles that there is BOUND to be mod conflicts if not conflicts with the very base game.

Second off, some of the things in this mod are more Game of Thrones and less Skyrim. For example Ulfric forcing Elisif to marry him is pretty much rape, Ulfric at his worst is an egomaniac, but he's not a sadist nor is he a rapist. That's just the more glaring example


Another thing is that the amount of scripting this would take is something that only Bethesda with the source code and skilled enough programmers, budgeting, and time to do. The amount of bugs that would happen by somebody messing with the Vanilla NPCs in such a drastic way would be so frustrating to say the least.


This type of mod would require a lot of work, a lot of skill, and a s*** TON OF TIME. This would take more time to complete then Faalskaar mod, and that mod took the guy a year, 8 hours a day, skilled voice actors,and a good amount of support from his family to do.


So even if making a mod like this was even possible with the current tools modders have, the will and skill to even create this would be impossible too find. At best I can imagine a group of 5 people getting started but just quitting after they realized how frustrating it is or when real life got began getting in the way.


Nice idea, but this is like the story of the Cat and The Bell, "while coming up an idea is nice and all, who is going to pull it off and how are they gonna do it?"

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  • 1 month later...

I agree the voice acting alone is probably going to stop this from ever happening.


But if something like this ever DID happen, I'd request that please, please, please, consider additional options.


Maybe the Dragonborn supported Ulfric, took down Tullius, but later has some real buyer's remorse, becomes disillusioned with Ulfric and decides he was never the idealist he seemed to be, but just another power hungry noble. Perhaps the Dragonborn can then switch sides, and strengthen Elisif's position more? Not enough to re-ignite a civil war perhaps, but at least to form a valid check against Ulfric's power, and restrain the man somewhat. Work with him against the Thalmor, but try to make it so that someone ELSE (Balgruuf?) becomes High King at the Moot.

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  • 4 months later...

This.... this NEEDS to happen!!! :O .. alright, you have sent this to Bethesda, i certainly hope??? Not that there is much hope in getting another official DLC released, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to at least try. What's there to lose? :smile: .. and if they would agree to do it, it goes without saying that it would take care of the voice-acting issues.. ^^

And even if there is no response from Bethesda... well.. i support this idea anyway, cause Skyrim needs closure.

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