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Skyrim cracked version update problems


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Hey I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me sort my skyrim stuff out. I downloaded some mods from nexus as well as the SKSE Script extender, following the directions i created a new desktop shortcut for the SKSE version of Skyrim so that i can play with the mods on. Yet, when I click on the shortcut it says i need to update skyrim. I've downloaded an update from piratbay. ->http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/8300814/The.Elder.Scrolls.V.Skyrim.Update.13-RELOADED yet when i dont know where exactly to put it and when i just put it in my skyrim folder it doesn't do anything. It still says i need to update it. My gamertag on steam is Bythewayurdead, and I would greatly appreciate any and all positive help. Maybe even teamviewer 8 help. Thanks

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