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Vampire Speed


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Not sure if this topic is in the right place, sorry if it is :smile:



Just wanted to know if there's a way of making your sprint speed increase, without adjusting your run speed, I wanted my vampire to be able to sprint faster and hit harder (I've used the creation kit to make enchanted rings and weapons for strength) but I can't seem to find any way of making my vampire sprint faster, only using the console command:


- player.setav speedmult X -


This works, but the problem I face is that I also end up walking/running X times faster which i'd rather be without


Could anyone tell me a command to change the sprint speed? Or recommend a mod that does it for me? Or even tell me how to make an enchantment that does it xD


Many thanks in advance :smile:

- ClydeMrMan


EDIT - This is for TESV: Skyrim, I forgot to put it in the title

Edited by ClydeMrMan
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  • 2 weeks later...

hehe EXACTLY what i'm looking for :)
just faster sprint, no running/walking speed increase ..

EDIT: i JUST found this mod :

but it has no support so it might be buggy, i'll try it out and see ..
the thing though is that it increases Sprint for both player and NPC ...
but i don't think NPCs ever sprint so i guess it's fine :)

EDIT2: WTF !!!
they have sprint speed as high as mine (300% original) which makes combat so much for ..


but anyway i'm just passing by to tell you it works, too bad i can't only increase my sprint speed :P

Edited by Cenarius4
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