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UPSO - Ultra Perfect Skyrim and Overhaul


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Hello everybody.

I would like to introduce an installation guide for a superb Skyirm but not that. Before discovering the videos, some explanation is needed.


Get the perfect Skyrim is the purpose of an impressive amount of PC players, but the road is long and often difficult to achieve an excellent result. The fact is that installing a mod, improvements, remains something simple for a minority of PC gamers. It is time for everyone to do the same, the UPSO will be there to guide you. Complicating the task is the compatibility of mods together. How many people end up having to reinstall their game and then dare touch mods? How many people would like to learn to install mods but do not know how, do not know what to pick?

The end of your problems is fast approaching!

The U. P.S.O. v2.1 comes and suggests a first step, the graphical result of the installation of several all mutually compatible mods. But the U. P.S.O. is not limited to a simple graphic change is especially insurance Skyrim rediscover in a new light through the ultimate experience and passionante of gaming!

General content of the U. P.S.O. v2.1:
- Enhanced Graphics, HD textures (2k, 4k or 8k) further, choose from several ENB.
- More balanced gameplay, adjusted difficulty, aggressive and thoughtful IA resulting in epic battles, and a "Legendary" level within the competition.
- Immersion further.
- A "bonus" section consisting of additional mods for version 2.1, reserved for powerful configurations and fan total immersion!
- New armor, new weapons, new spells.
- A display system configurable in-game detailed.
- ...
- Over 25GB of changes

The U. P.S.O. v2.1 looks already (In French and English version!)! See the two preview:

Preview / art: LINK

Preview / panoramic: LINK

So, UPSO v2.1 comes in may (in French and English version!), probably in the last week of this month.


The date fo UPSO v2.1 is HERE

Do not hesitate to ask me your questions


Edited by jinfuushenskyrim
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