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Reflective mirror with water


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I'm trying to create a mirror which reflects the environment including room, objects and characters.


The game is actually already doing that at cottonwood cove for example. The canyon walls are reflected there in the Colorado river.

I removed noise and depth from the water configuration which gives me a flat reflective plane. And it reflects everything,


The idea is to use placeable water. So used for water in a bathtub and tilt it 90 degrees.


The problem is that placeable water somehow only reflects the sky and nothing else.

I'm using the same water type used for the Colorado river as for the placeable water.

I also set all tick boxes in GECK for what the placeable water should reflect. But somehow they get ignored.


At Lake Mead only the sky is reflected.


Is there a setting I missed? in GECK or FalloutPrefs.ini ?

Any help would be appreciated.




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