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Weird brightness and darkness


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Hey, I've posted about this before but didn't get any answers that helped. I get this "weirdness" at night and in dark interiors. I have no clue how to fix it lol. It's very noticable while using ENBs but it's there even with vanila lighting, just not as easy to see. This is a picture of what I'm experiencing, any help is at all would be greatly appreciated. I turned the brightness up all the way so you can see it easily in the picture. The dark trees in the distance and the color changes within the shadows are what I'm referring to. This is with Wintertide ENB on and no other lighting mods enabled.


Edited by DeagleTalon
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hey dude, found your post via the tags (well done). That looks like classic image posterization that happens when you have brightness or contrast settings too high.


Have you increased the base game brightness in the options?

Are you running any ENB presets or lighting mods that allow custom brightness or contrast levels?

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