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Oscape problem: LOD terrain much lower than normal terrain


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Problem: as stated in the title. I have generated thousands of LOD mesh and texture files which all show up in the game but at the wrong height. The real terrain which is supposed to blend into the LOD is some 10,000 game units above the LOD. Changing the values in the CK didn't help.


Has anyone else run into this problem and can tell me the proper values for a large terrain (16.384x16.384)? Obviously, water at 10000 and land at -2048 is totally wrong. :(


Help please?

Edited by Teria23
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I doubt this has never happened before. Anyway, I simply solved it by running the CK LOD generator again. It took 12 hours to complete but at least the CK didn't crash this time, maybe because Oscape had already done all the work once before and only the height needed to be adjusted. Just a wild guess though.

So, the values are:

Worldspace size: 16,384 x 16,384
LOD water height: 10,000
Default land height: 0
Default water height: 10,000

I believe the problem was the LOD water height being at 0 when I ran Oscape.

Edited by Teria23
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