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Last Man satnding.


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I wake up in the middle of the hot barren sun, and the air smells of death. There are many people laying as if asleep, but I know the truth. The truth is that they died fighting in a war without a cause, and a war funded on deception and greed. I look up to the sky and wonder if their is a God, and if their is one why he would create us just to destroy the world. At first we fought for freedom, then for money, then for oil, and now just because we want to. I don't know the reasons for why these men all fought and died for. I don't know if it was good or bad. I only know why I fought, and that was for my wife. I was origanally against the war until they killed her. Hell if it wasn't for her coming into my life when she did I would have died many years ago. I continue to walk through the battlefield. The closer I get to the end of it the more it stinks. Their rotting smell like snakes slither their way into my nostrils, and I can't help but breathe from my mouth. When I finally get to the egde I look back to see if their are any survivors. All I see though is death, pollution, despair, hatred, greed, lust, dishonesty, and deception. The deception that if we fight these wars something good will come out of it. In the Holy Bible it says that God the Earth in six days. It also says that he created man in his image. Why would he create us only to destroy what he has given to us?


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