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[wip] arcanine follower


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I need help, or perhaps someone with mesh weighting experience and/or follower making know-how, to finish up this little mod i've got here.



- I'd like the leg flames to follow the legs as they move, currently they are set to the manes. I don't know how to weight paint.

- I'd like to know how to make the puppy a follower too. I'm using a modified "blaze follower" esp to get it to show up. But it's not working. I can sort of work the ck for this.


Anything you guys and gals can give is appreciated. It's not much from me, but it's a little something to keep my mind in 3ds max.


modeled slightly on this picture:




ps. I named it "kitty" in game. For the lulz.



^^ why can't I upload a 7z file? 30kb less man.

Edited by ozzking
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