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I need help with some Mods


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Hi folks,


im tried many times to install "Immersive Animations" (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34950//?) but i dunno how i can install it correctly without conflicts. This mod needs some other mods like "Fores New Idles" and of course "Dual Shealth Redux" and yeah... who would have thought it? this mod needs a other mod calls XP32 Maximum Skeleton.


Actually its not possible to install this all files correctly, because i must overwrite some files and than logically it will not work. Is there someone that can explain me how i can install this thing exactly ?



I need just a mod where i can see both weapons on my body, of course with the animations which i can drag it. Unfortunately i found nothing thats similar to this mod.


Some help would be really nice :)


regards. PS: sry for the bad english hope its understandable

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