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Tarids mod - Experienced Scripters and Modders needed!


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Hello everyone, and thank you for taking your time to read this.

As some of you know, a Tardis mod for Skyrim was released several days ago. I downloaded it and loved it, however not everything I wanted was there.


What I'm planning to do is to completely rebuild shatteredsteel's mod and convert it into a fully completed awesome player home, such as the one by Eolhin on tesnexus.



The reason I am requesting help from other modders and scripters is that I may be comfortable with interior decorating, I am certainly not when it comes to scripts and others things. I realise these two things are especially important in a Tardis mod because the whole thing is scripting. However, if someone with the expertise can help, I believe we could make a brilliant mod - the original Tardis for oblivion remains in the top 100.


If I can get a response to this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Here are some attached imagesof the revamped primary console room;






Edited by TwistingVortex
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