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Help with #D Trees and plants wanted.


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Hi guys !


I'm trying to remove the all too common yellowish / green Castor plant. But can't find out what name the mesh goes under ?

Anyone here who knows ?


Sorry, I meant 3 D trees and plants in the topic headline.

Edited by goranpaa
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Thank you very much for the help ! Much apriciated.


Here are the screenshot :




The texture files S3DPlants castor. dds and ndds I have found though.


The reason I want to get rid of it, is that it grows practically everywhere. Even in the middle of the roads here and there. And it's much too much work to disable them all.

Edited by goranpaa
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Funny, I encountered these today as well, I can understand why you'd want to get rid of them. Let me have a look.

Yes, the Ricin are are a real pain !!! And the colour are really sticking out in an othervice darker green enviroment. Mathy, did very well with all the other flora. But in my opinion the Castor Ricin he could just as well have ditched.

Edited by goranpaa
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It's s3dplants_pineshrub03.nif


Oh man ! You saved my day and my Skyrim installation. Thanks a ton ! ! 1 I have spent several hours trying to get rid of that weed and grinding my teeth. I hope that you will win a milion bucks the next time you buy a lottery ticket.


Thanks again, and happy gaming !

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