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New Skyrim mods video series


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Hi all,


I just thought I'd share a video series I'm doing which is entirely about Skyrim mods.


So far there's a handful of videos covering mods like 'Convenient Horses', 'Cerwiden Smart Healer', the questing mod 'Agent of Righteous Might', 'Flyable Dragon Races 3', as well as one more recently focused on a cross-section of followers (including Dovahbear and Vilja). I've already lined up the next one which features a really cool mount, and have others I'll be doing later to do with all sorts of aspects of the game. I'm someone who just loves mods you see, and also admires the awesome work people put into creating them .. and simply want to share the good work they do!


This is the first mod series I've done for any game, so any feedback or comments (constructive ofc) are welcome. I'm by no means professional, and have absolutely no intention of being professional, but feel free to subscribe etc if you want to see other mod videos I do or support the series.


You can check them out here: http://www.youtube.com/WhackoMacko





Edited by jango1
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Hi all,


I just thought I'd share a video series I'm doing which is entirely about Skyrim mods.


So far there's a handful of videos covering mods like 'Convenient Horses', 'Cerwiden Smart Healer', the questing mod 'Agent of Righteous Might', 'Flyable Dragon Races 3', as well as one more recently focused on a cross-section of followers (including Dovahbear and Vilja). I've already lined up the next one which features a really cool mount, and have others I'll be doing later to do with all sorts of aspects of the game. I'm someone who just loves mods you see, and also admires the awesome work people put into creating them .. and simply want to share the good work they do!


This is the first mod series I've done for any game, so any feedback or comments (constructive ofc) are welcome. I'm by no means professional, and have absolutely no intention of being professional, but feel free to subscribe etc if you want to see other mod videos I do or support the series.


You can check them out here: http://www.youtube.com/WhackoMacko





thanks for putting Agent of Righteous Might, keep up the good work!

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