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[WIP] Saxxon's Quest Collection


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Saxxon's Quest Collection


What this is; or is going to be, is a collection of small quests that I have been working on for the last few months. I was getting bored of starting a new game, and every time repeating the same things, so I decided that I would do something to try and fix that.


It started out when I made a couple of short quests just to test things out when I was new to modding and didn't know how to do anything. They didn't turn out completely terrible so I decided to develop them further and make a few more. It then turned into this...


Don't worry this won't all be fetch quests or having to go somewhere and kill someone, admittedly some of it will be but I think I've added enough variation so that you don't feel like you're just doing the same kind of stuff all the time.

A number of the quests do have different choices you can make that lead to different outcomes, so that should add a bit of re-playability.

It's designed to be played from when you start a new game so you discover the new stuff as you follow the games main quest but you will also be able to add it to your current game as I'll provide a list of all the locations of new content.



- At least 20 new quests.

- 2 new companions Father John Stanley (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/45867/?) and Carla Alvarez (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/46656/?)

- A few little wasteland encounters.

- Quite a few new locations: some small, some fairly large.

- A ton of new NPCs with full voice acting (hopefully)

- A couple of new armors, and maybe a weapon or two depending on what I find.


Voice actors:

I will need a number of voice actors for this mod, I'm doing some of it myself but if I did the whole thing it would just make people want to shoot themselves. I'll put the list of roles up in groups of a few at a time as there are quite a lot and there are quite a few that I haven't finished writing.


1. Anson: A teenager living in westside, worried about his missing brother. Male, Caucasian, Late teens

(13 lines)

Sample: "Please, I'm desperate. I really need your help!"


2. Bill McCellan: A ranch owner from California in the Mojave seeking revenge for the death of his daughter. Male, Caucasian, 50s

(About 20 Lines)

Sample: "Why hello there, you wouldn't happen to be some manner of hired gun would you?"


3. Captain Fallon: A leader of the Westside militia and former NCR soldier. Male, Caucasian, 30s

(about 50 Lines)

Sample: “I need someone to take out the leaders of the gang, that should put the rest of them in their place. Interested?”


4. Grant Hudson: Works for the followers in the new Vegas medical clinic; not a doctor himself but he basically helps run the place. Male, Caucasian, 30s

(About 30 lines)

Sample: “Welcome to the New Vegas medical clinic. I'm Grant Hudson, what can I do for you today?”


5. Joey Burke: A former farmhand, now a member of the powder gangers. Male, Asian, 20s

(14 Lines)

Sample: “I used to work on the old man’s ranch back in California. You see me and his daughter, we had a thing going on. He didn't know obviously.”


6. Paul Enis: A trader stuck in the Mojave outpost. Male, Caucasian, 40s

(15 Lines)

Sample: “Well I'm a trader you see, I was heading to Vegas myself but apparently the NCR's scared of bugs or something so they won't let me leave.”


7. Tom Fox: A former bounty hunter, worried that his past will come back to haunt him one day. Male, Caucasian, 30s

(About 20 lines, I may add more)

Sample: “Well I guess I was the target. As for who's behind it, no idea, I've made a lot of enemies over the years... Could be anyone...”


8. Maria Hall: Westside militia member and second in command to Captain Fallon. Female, Caucasian, 20s

(about 10 lines)

Sample: “I'm Maria, Maria Hall. I'm part of the Westside militia, Captain Fallon left me in charge here while he's away.”


9. Duane: A lazy quarry worker at Quarry junction. Male, African-American, 20s

(13 Lines)

Sample: “California, Shady sands to be exact. I came out here for work, didn't want to end up here but it's something right?”


10. Jesse: A great khan who sorts out drug deliveries, hopes one day to be in charge of the whole operation. Male, Caucasian, late 20s.

(about 30 lines)

Sample: “All my life. Both my parents where Khans so I grew up in this life, when they died at Bitter Springs I was taken in by another Khan family.”


11. Billy Flea: The new owner of the mole rat ranch. He means well but he's kind of an idiot and doesn't really know what he's doing. Male, Caucasian, 20s

(about 30 lines)

Sample: "Why this here is the Mole rat ranch. I raise little baby mole rats like they was my own kids. Have done for almost three days now."


12. Derek Wildman: A corrupt NCR senator willing to do anything to become the next president. Male, caucasian, 40s.

(about 25 lines)

Sample: "I was wondering when you two would arrive, you have been quite persistent, annoying too. I suppose you're here to arrest me..."


13. Bradley: A supermutant soldier turned trader. Selling weapons and specialized equipment to prospectors in the Mojave. (he's one of the smart-sounding supermutants, like Marcus)

(about 20 lines, but I'll probably be adding more)

Sample: "I like the peace and quiet, and being out in the desert helps keep the idiots who don't know what they're doing away."


14. Shane: A bounty hunter who runs his own small organization. Working for the NCR tracking down fiends in the area. Male, Caucasian, 30s.

(about 15 lines)

Sample: "Well the bounty on him's 300 caps so I can offer you no more than that, plus my undying gratitude. What do you say?"


15. Curtis: An ageing hunter living as a recluse in the mountains near Jacobstown. This is an important role. Male, African-american, 50s.

(about 70 lines)

Sample: "That's my wife's grave. We lived here for almost thirty years, it was only right that she was buried here."

" She used to love the view from outside. Said it made fer feel at peace, I never really understood why until after she passed."


16. Diego: An escaped slave from the Reservation (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Reservation) He is being persued by his captors and doesn't take the situation as seriously as he should. Male, Hispanic, late 20s.

(about 20 lines)

Sample: "Nothing, everything's cool... Well, I'm an escaped slave and there are crazy ghouls hunting me down but other than that I'm doing just fine."


17. Alec Main: A guy who can teach the player to use power armor for a price. Male, African-American, 40s.

(10 lines , I will be adding a few more)

Sample: "Not from the Enclave or the Brotherhood if that's what you're thinking. I found an instruction manual years ago and learnt from that."


18. Steven Jones: A traveller who came out to new vegas after his brother; an NCR soldier, was killed. Male, Caucasian, 30s.

(13 lines)

Sample: “My brother was a soldier, I'm just here to collect his belongings and take them back home.”


19. Lysa Aldis. The leader of a ruthless mercenary group that the player crosses paths with. Female, Caucasian, 40s.

(about 20 lines)

Sample: “I'm sure he has his reasons but I don't know and I don't care. We don't ask questions, we just get things done.”

“I'm surprised, but the mission is yours. Here's the location, leave no survivors and when you're finished report back to me for the next one.”


20. Ash Murphy. A tough unarmed fighter working as a bodyguard in Freeside. Male, Caucasian, late 20s.

(about 15 lines)

Sample: “Okay fine, it's probably more than I'd make in a week here anyway. Here you go.”


21. Clay. The owner of a small bar outside Freeside. Male, Caucasian, mid 20s.

(about 60 lines)

Sample: “Some folk from Westside went missing while hunting in the mountains. They're probably dead.”

“Father Stanley's church got destroyed by raiders. Shame that, I aint a praying man myself but I know he helped a lot of people.”


22. Glen Traper. A business man from new Reno interested in buying Clays bar.

(about 20 lines)

Sample: “Well you see there's a story behind that. For almost six years I ran a bar outside Reno, it was never anything big but I was good at it.”

“Eventually the casino families there started to see me as a threat to their business and they pressured me into closing down the place and moving.”


There are also a number of smaller roles most of which have less than five lines each, people like: Caravan guards, mercenaries, hit-men, prisoners and street thugs.

With these characters it doesn't matter so much what they sound like as it would be easier for me to change them to suit the voice than it would be to find actors to suit the characters.


If you're interested in any of these roles then either message me or say so here, also it would be best if you could include an example of your work using the sample lines listed for each of the characters.




I'll do it later...


If you have and comments, questions or suggestions then leave them here, as I'll be happy to answer them.

Edited by Saxxon91
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Well, another quest mod that add content to the existing New Vegas World.... I love you.


For the new weapons and armors, will they use vanilla content (lore-friendly?)?


You have ALL my support.


Edit; I played recently, and I have noticed that the zones just outside of westside is... empty, really... there is nothing interesting expect some Jackals camp, it could be a really good place to insert some quests and add some life.


The mole rat ranch, near the NV clinic could be a good place too...

Edited by Guest
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I know it's pretty redundant but if you would like some original music for the mod I'd be happy to make some, if not, thats cool too.

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Well, another quest mod that add content to the existing New Vegas World.... I love you.


For the new weapons and armors, will they use vanilla content (lore-friendly?)?


You have ALL my support.


Edit; I played recently, and I have noticed that the zones just outside of westside is... empty, really... there is nothing interesting expect some Jackals camp, it could be a really good place to insert some quests and add some life.


The mole rat ranch, near the NV clinic could be a good place too...


I'm hoping to keep the whole thing as lore-friendly as possible; I only have a few custom armors at the moment and I think they fit into the game well.

About the locations you mentioned I have actually have added stuff to the places you mentioned. So far 4 new quests in westside and more taking place in the surrounding area. The mole rat ranch has a new owner and a quest to go with it and the clinic has two new quests.


I know it's pretty redundant but if you would like some original music for the mod I'd be happy to make some, if not, thats cool too.


I hadn't actually thought about that. It would be nice but I'm not sure how I'd include it, so for now I don't think it's needed.


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