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[REQz] Green Room


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Hi guys. I've started shooting movies in Fallout 3 (machinima), and for some things, I could really use a green room.


Could someone make one for me? Just a simple indoor cell, a room with four walls, a floor and a ceiling, all of them bright green. You don't need to make an entrance, I'll just use a console command to transport me there.


If you would go through the trouble of making me one, you will be given kudos in the end credits of all future movies. With it, I can make some really cool stuff.

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You could do it yourself. In the GECK there is a tileset that is all gray/white. You could use Nifskope to retexture/recolour it to green then you would have your green room.


The issue here is that all the modelers and texturers are working on their own mod or are part of a project so there are not many around to make something so simple.

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I figured out how to do it after a little while. I just figured that someone with a bit more experience could do it in a jiffy. :)


True, someone with more experience could probably have done it in a jiffy. On the other hand now you know something about modding, which increases the chance of getting awesome things made in the community.


"Give a man a fish and he won't go hungry for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will never go hungry. Teach a man to mod Fallout 3, and he will produce awesome things for the Nexus community to enjoy." :thumbsup:

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