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Weird body deformation with CBBE, CB++, CHSBHC, TBBP


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Okay, first of all I'm pretty new to all those fakey body physic mods and I'm not a pro with bodyslide and English is NOT my native language so please bare with me.


The problem (screens) are those weird deformations on the hip area and the arms. I'm normally using a customized skinny to big preset but I tried it with the default CBBE 3.2 preset too. The thing is, the problem still exists but is barely noticeable on the 3.2 body (but it is there). So I think its getting worse the higher small and big are apart, the worst one is weight 50 (the middle).


I think (!) the whole problem started with TBBP which I installed over the existing files but NOT the XP32 skeleton (tried the TBBP skeleton files later on without luck).

I'm not completely sure about this but I'm relatively sure that I hadn't this problem just with CHSBHC and my custom preset.

(Edit: I think this is obsolete, the problem exists with and without TBBP, could be CHSBHC in general maybe).


One last thing, the problem exists only on a nude body from what I've seen, compatible armors looking fine (a little bit of clipping on the legs with higher weight but that's more a problem with the armors / sliders I think).


Edit: Not sure it is good to see but it looks almost like a weird "belt" formed bone under the skin (if we would talk about a human being ... :P).

I also noticed that all the NPCs breasts are pointing forward like a weird compass, this is not the case for the player character.

Edited by psycoredelic
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