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Help: Can I add more cloud textures and skies to the game?


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I am testing diferent weather and ENB mods. I have almost found a balanced result with ENB settings and the new RLO weathers (although this is still in alpha...) The issue is that I love the variety of skies that CoT Provides.

So, is there any way to take CoT cloud textures (not all of them, just several), and use them in my game? I know I can rename it as "skyrimcloudslower.dds", "skyrimcloudsupper.dds", etc... and place it in my textures/sky folder. BUT the thing is that I would like to have MORE than one cloud texture for each weather, and see them, randomly (as in CoT, I think). Maybe I could rename them as skyrimcloudslower01a.dds, skyrimcloudslower01b.dds, skyrimcloudslower01c.dds, etc... and were recognized by the game? :-?


Any help with this? thx


PD: Sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language.

Edited by metariuswine
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