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Rain and Snow don't decrease view distance with ENB?


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Hi all


Having an issue where after I install an ENB and some mods, when it rains or snows the view distance is not decreased at all. I can see the rain and snow effects but there is no fog or fading out of distance objects. However if I turn off the ENB with shift F12 the extra effects that make the storm complete return, e.g. the fog when it rains and the white out when it snows.


I have installed more rain and more snow, both with decreased view distance but they seem to have no effect.


Any ideas, it's just a small detail really but it is driving me batty.



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Just an update. I have also discoverd that when doing Brelyna's quest at Winterhold to let her test a spell on you, it doesn't turn my screen green. If I turn off the ENB post processing it does.

I would really appreciate any help as now I get the feeling I'm missing out on all sorts of visuals by having this on.



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