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game crashes on load if any mods are enabled


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This is a common issue, generally it only happens to me when I load or deactivate a mod that changes something in the zone that I saved in. Though there is also instances where upon you've managed to get something (like the megaton house) and you try to load a mod that expands said house that the game will crash (usually it's because it doesn't know how to handle the differences between the saved data and the mod data).
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Are you using an archiveinvalidated.txt? or the great mod: archiveinvalidatedinvalidated? If not, that's your problem right there.


If so,

Does Fallout work fine for starting a new game, just not the saved ones? If so, then it likely is as TheOutlander described, FO can't decide between the save data and the new modified data for some info in your saves. Your only options would then be to:

try relocating your in-game save position prior to enabling the mods in the hope that it's a location problem,

try removing all mods and re-download them (follow individual readme instructions carefully, check for newer versions too),

try enabling one mod at a time and verify that your saves load, resave, and then try the next one.

If you can pinpoint a certain mod or mods that cause this error, check on that mod's message board to see if any other users encountered this error. (Some mods require new games) Also, the creator might have more insight into how their mod may be conflicting with something you're running.

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