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How to make a unique voice working with marriage questline?


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I'm adding a new NPC into the game. He is a follower, he has a unique voice, I created all the dialogues myself.

Now I'm trying to add him as a marriage option for the player, but nothing works.


What is done already:

- I added this voice to the list "VoicesMarriageAll"

- The NPC has "PotentialMarriageFaction", rank 0

- The NPC has Relationship with the player "Lover -> Courting".

- All "marriage" lines (including hellos, goodbyes etc) are created and sounded, all conditions of the dialogues are filled properly and checked many times.


And yes: RelationshipMarriage quest has 10 stage and Amulet of Mara is equipped :)

Every "marriageable" NPC greets player properly ("Is that Amulet of Mara?..."), but my new NPC keeps talking his basic lines.


What I need to do for making him work correctly?

Help me, please.

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