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Help! solitude Roggvir not at exectuion


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I have just enterd Solitude for the first time and there is an execution taking place.some npcs are in a crowd and there is a executioner on the stage with a gard and gard captain.but there is no Roggvir. if i wait for the execution to finish even though roggivr is not there after the npc said "liar" they stop what they are doing and the npcs wont move regardles of how long i wait.i have tryd reloading and renetering Solitude but the same thing happens. i search google and found a few posts regarding a similer matter one post in perticuler saying to type in the console player.moveto 000A3BDB witch is sapost to respawn Roggivr though it was not very clear but when i tryd this it ses invalid refrance so i dont reely no what to do.for now i will continue my saved game but not enter solitude.i hope someone can assist me in fixing this issue soon. thanks

Edited by ragekillerz
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