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Breakable Shields

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Imagine yourself being charged by a huge man with a twenty-five pound hammer. You raise your wooden shield to deflect the attack. His hammer smashes it to pieces.


Does anyone know how to script something like this, perhaps using a random percent chance and an item removal effect? The chance to destroy the shield could be dependent on a material type. I.e., A steel shield has thick metal parts, but a wooden backing, so it would be vulnerable to heavy blows, but to a lesser degree than the wooden shield. Solid metal shields, like the Dwarven or Ebony shields, would be impervious to melee damage, but things like magic attacks could weaken it over time. Fire and lightning would heat the metal and warp it depending on the intensity of the spell, and ice would cause it to contract. Prolonged exposure to such attacks could increase the chance for breaking.

Edited by Hectasword
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