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can't leave solstheim without crash to the desktop


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ok i don't really ask for help often i just look up what other people have done and try that.


i tried nearly everything i can think of


1 changed the sound thing == didn't work


2 used boss and found dirty edits and used tes5edit and clean them-didn't work


3 deleted my ini files= that didn't work either


4 turned off all my mods=didn't allow me to fast travel from solstheim either


5 also downloaded the unfoccial patches=those didn't help either


i can't really think of anything else to do.can anyone help me out


6 don't have a follower with me eihter


7 and i can't return to skyrim useing console commands either


the coc whiterun didn't work either

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Your skyrim.esm might be corrupt, could try deleting it and then doing a verify cache.

ok so now i used console commands coc whiterundragonsreach and that got me off of solstheim but now the map still says i am in solstheim and when i leave the building it crashes to desktop again

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Might have to do a re-install then >.<



Your skyrim.esm might be corrupt, could try deleting it and then doing a verify cache.

ok so now i used console commands coc whiterundragonsreach and that got me off of solstheim but now the map still says i am in solstheim and when i leave the building it crashes to desktop again

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