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Hey everyone!


Pretty new to the Creation Kit and ever since I've had this game for the PC I've wanted to do something Zelda-like, so I thought, why not try to re-create some of the best parts of it in Skyrim!?


Ocarina of time was (and still is) my favorite game on the Nintendo 64 so I'm going with that theme right now, so far after using the C.K. for 3 days, Ive created a basic layout for the Temple of Time and have started on the Market place outside. I am trying to use as much vanilla items as possible (No DLC items) so anyone can play it! I will have to create some custom assets myself, or get some help from some friendly contributers (possibly you). I do other things non Skyrim related so this is just something on my free time so I wont be updating it very often, I do plan on atleast creating the whole Hyrule castle area and the Hyrule field, then I may expand it out and re-create the other areas (The lost woods for sure) and possible dungeons / temples.


Again, this is my 3rd day using the C.K. so I'm not at the best right now, but if it's anything like the other work I do, I'll pick it up pretty dam quick.


Below are a few screenshots I took of the T.O.T. I set the enviroment in-correctly apparently as it was raining inside, so I'll have to muddle with that later on. I am trying to get it as close to the N64 version as possible, as well as mixing in the skyrim theme, so don't get mad if it's not EXACTLY the same (I'm as much of a fan of this game as anyone else here so I wont forget anything).














Enjoy and thanks for checking this out!

Edited by lLMrBrightside
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Your remake of the temple of light looks really nice !!! I am sure you would find other mates to recreate the whole Zelda OoT game.

I would possibly help you, but I am totally new to Skyrim ;)

Hence, I would need some time to adapt to the whole gameplay, etc.


Since I am a programmer, I would defintely take a look at the whole Development Kit and I defintely going to read some articles about the whole process of creating a mod.

Perhaps I will to join the project later on ;)


So for now on: Have fun! It's looking great!

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