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Small problem with editing headmesh in 3ds


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Well so i am trying to edit a headmesh (malehead.nif) in 3ds max by manipulating verticies. No problem there.


Exporting and using niftools to apply the correct settings. No problem here either :smile:


Only problem is when i actually putting my slightly tweaked headmesh in game.

Textures get scrambled up. And it gets a lot worse when entering showracemenu. First i figured that well, I made the ear a little bit pointy, perhaps this is stretching the textures and maked them look all f:ed up.


But then i remember that I once tried out numenume:s ear mod that comes with only a head.nif replacer, no textures, and works great ingame, no messed up textures there. What gives?


I tried to just importing and exporting malehead.nif from 3ds to niftools without making any changes at all. Worked fine, no scrambled textures so it is no problem with my settings in niftools.


Also i wondering if you can add verticies in 3ds without screwing something up? Would be great to have some more polys to work with.


Anyways some help would be deeply appriciated, as i am stunted right now. Adjusting textures and normal maps is tedious and nothing I really feel like going through in vain.

Edited by smeden_nils
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No one? I am desperatly in need of some help. Even if you who reads this cant help me, perhaps you can point me in direction of someone who does? I have already tried to message Nuska and Itamukun but have got no answer yet. I imagine they get tons of messages already . :smile: And Zazemel inbox is full :( These are the only people i can think of that has succesfully edited headmesh.


As stated ANY help would be invaluble.

Edited by smeden_nils
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I believe I had the same problem when I first started. I think the following fixed it:


- Export from 3DS Max as .obj.

- In NifSkope, import .obj.

- In NifSkope, export as .nif.

- In NifSkope, import .nif.


If that doesn't work, make sure that the vertices/polys that you have added are not messing up the UVs.


Sorry I can't be more specific, it's been awhile since I've had that issue. Hope this helps though!

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I believe I had the same problem when I first started. I think the following fixed it:


- Export from 3DS Max as .obj.

- In NifSkope, import .obj.

- In NifSkope, export as .nif.

- In NifSkope, import .nif.


If that doesn't work, make sure that the vertices/polys that you have added are not messing up the UVs.


Sorry I can't be more specific, it's been awhile since I've had that issue. Hope this helps though!


Well i tried, not sure that i got the correct exportsettings i 3ds. Here is a screenie with my settings though: http://oi40.tinypic.com/3134yvl.jpg


And this is an error i get when importing into nifscope http://oi40.tinypic.com/1tsahw.jpg


Anyways i havent actually added any verts/polys just manipulated existing ones so far. I tried to manipulate the verticies in nifscope with no problem in game. But thats hardly an a valible option when trying to sculpt a face :)


But i was thinking, perhaps it is possible to just copy and replace the vertex position in NiTriShapeData of my edited headmesh.nif to the original headmesh.nif? Or am i being retarded? :)

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Well so I finally solved it, thinking I should post it so perhaps another noob like me dont have to go through the same hell as I have.

Aparently when you export from 3ds max it adds extra verticies, and the solution was so simple kinda want to shot myself in the face and the same time i am jumping with joy. You just have to add smooth modifier, the autosmooth isnt enough. (thanks Nightasy for your brilliant tutorials!!!).

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