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Fire Lighting Bug


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Hey guys/girls. Was wondering if anyone else has a problem with lighting. Every time I go into any room or dungeon area that has "Fire" of any kind i get a huge flickering screen between these two. http://tinypic.com/r/rvg107/5 and http://tinypic.com/r/14c8abl/5 its killing my eyes. can anyone help?


Its giving me a huge migraine i can't even play. I have no mods.Files attached in case tinypic loses the images.

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Honestly I have no idea... but I would approach this with a process of ellimination...


Try resetting your Skyrim ini file (if you have modified it)

Try having skyrim do an auto detect setting (display) again from the menu (click on Reset defaults)

Try single display

Dunno if you have crossfire or SLI, if you have try single card setup

Update your drives (display, directx)... try older drivers if you run AMD card (version 12.x)

Reinstall Skyrim (doubt it will fix, but who knows) ... you can backup-restore your savegames since you dont have any mods installed ...

Edited by prod80
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I haven't mod'd anything. I did the detect. nothing. I have an AMD Radeon HD 6800 series. All my drivers are up to date. I dont feel like reinstalling :( Its even on torches. I almost died walking off the edge at night time. a guard had it i couldn't see anything.

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