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Female wood elf voice mod?


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I've had this sort of fantasy of a mod that would replace the horrible voice of the female wood elf (just the PC, not the NPCs obviously). I don't know if it was even possible until I stumbled upon a male wood elf voice mod by Casey Mongillo.


I've contacted the author about a female version but haven't heard back from them, so I was wondering if anyone knew of or would consider something like this.


Would it be possible to use the voice from Morrowind, or if not I think the voice of the female golden saint in shivering isles sounds similar.


Thanks very much.

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Well actually this would be fairly easy to do yourself.


If you can find the sound files for the female wood elf and switch them out with the ones you want it should work...


So if you just get rid of the original female wood elf files, and in their place put the Golden Saint files, that should do it for you.

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Would someone be able to set me on the right track? I've had no experience with the Oblivion CS, and all I've done with the Morrowind CS is delete Creeper and make changes to a couple of interiors. I wouldn't know where to look for sound files.
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