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I need a quest writer


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I need someone to develop a quest where The character Norine, in my mod Norinr the Escaped Thalmor Prisoner gets revenge on the Thalmor Justicar that captured and tortured her. I really could use the help.


Background can be found in the spoiler tab:




Hired by Siddgeir, the Jarl of Falkreath, to patrol the foothills of Lake Llinalta, Ranger Norine Gludersdottir interrupted a massacre by the Thalmor at a Statue and shrine of Talos. Enraged at the sight she loosed an arrow into the Justiciar giving orders, killing him instantly. The rest of the Thalmor fell upon her but, as the blade plunged toward her, the Sub-Justiciar stayed them. Fearing Elenwen’s wrath, the Sub-Justiciar felt returning with at least one nord prisoner, might mitigate some of her anger. Especially since that fool, Agent Sanyon, was dead.

Captured, bound and beaten, Norine Gludersdottir and her captors started for Northwatch Keep. A day into the journey, she managed to slip her bonds and grab a dagger from the belt of the Justiciar. Holding the dagger to the Justiciar’s throat Norine ordered the Thalmor soldiers to drop their weapons. She then smashed the hilt of the dagger into the Justiciar's head, stunning her, and fled into the forest.

Crossing the Hjaal River, she struggled through the wetlands of Hjaalmarch and the numerous bandit camps where, if they found her, killing her would be the least they would do. Then, fearing arrest in Morthal, she skirted to the south of the city laboring to reach The Pale. Starving, near death from exposure, she managed to steal a boat from a fisherman on the shore of Lake Yorgrim and, using the last of her strength, enter the current of the Yorgrim River before collapsing. Finally, when all seemed lost, a sailor on the Windhelm docks spoted her floating past. Pulling her to safety, the sailor called for the guard who took Norine to Candlehearth Hall where Elda Early-Dawn nursed her back to health.


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I need someone to develop and implement the entire quest. I have Parkinson type neurological disorder and use Dragon Naturally Speaking to type. I can make standalone character mods but DNS doesn't work in CK or Python. Otherwise I could do it all myself since I am very versed in programming in multiple languages. I could do the quest as well and will if no one offers to help. It would just take a long time because of my trembling hands.


So, if anyone wants to assist me I would be obliged.

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How 'extensive' do you want the quest to be? I am trying to get an idea of what sort of resources you would need to mobilize in order to produce the quest. Do you want custom voice dialogue? Is the player suppose to encounter your NPC in Candlehearth Hall and just relate her story to the player? Do you want her to have a simple quests where she insists on accompanying the player to the Thalmor embassy? More details please.

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Basicly, the quest would involve her asking the Dragonborn to help her find the Thalmor Juticar who captured and tortured her. She could mention that she killed Agent Sanyon but, actually, I put that in the narrative as to how he was killed when his body is found. In a perfect world I would have her voiced but, again that is a lot to ask.

The Thalmor could be tracked down to any wilderness location and it doesn't necessarily need to take a long time but they should have to find a few clues as to where to find the Justicar and her soldiers. The big part would be her confronting the Justicar herself, like the ghost of Svaknir does to the risen King Olaf.

That is a synopsis of what I would like for the quest.

Thank you for inquiring.
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If you can find two, or even just one, voice actress willing to do voice lines (for both your follower NPC and the Justicar), I can handle the dialogue portion....dialogue conditions, branch organization, generating lip sync files, conversion to fuz format, even packing all the resources into a BSA.

I haven't looked into creating 'scenes' yet but I might be willing to venture into that territory (not knowing exactly how much work would be involved) if you need a 'confrontation scene' between the NPC and the Justifcar.

As for the 'clues' part, I am thinking the easiest way would be to find the 'clue' to the location of the Justicar from a note on a dead body--either some soldiers sent to assassinate the player once the NPC joins (works on a timer in days or hours, you can script this), or the PC goes to a location where the soldiers are and kills them (the second one is the easiest). Alternatively, just plop them anywhere in the wilderness and set them to be disabled until the quest starts.

Quest stages:
1) Quest starts after NPC relays her story to the player and agrees to join the PC as a follower. Player receives a quest objective to investigate location X (I recommend an interior cell of your own making, or if someone else wants to make it for you, rather than a default game interior cell, as to maximize compatibility of your mod with heavy load orders).
2) killing the soldiers and reading the note triggers the second quest stage, which reveals the location of the Justicar.
3) killing the Justicar advances the quest to the third stage and completes it, moving it to the 'completed quest' log.

I don't have time to do all of it, but if others are willing to share the labour (I am sure there's someone out there capable and willing to design a small cave or dungeon, do interior cell decorations, and navmeshing, which I absolutely hate doing), I'd be willing to help.

Edited by ripple
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Thank you. I am working on getting a voice actress. Your quest stages sound right on and killing a Thalmor soldier to find a note is an excellent Idea.


I will pm a few others about building a small cave or dungeon.


Again, thanks for your help. I will get back to you when I get more of these things in line.

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