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I'm 'invisible" when in FPV !!!!


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I was modding an armor and when I'm in 3rdPersonView, it look perfect. When I'm on 1stPersonView however, only my rings, shield and sword appears!!! (only from my body, i can still see the world and NPCs)

any help?

It's related to how the armor is rigged, and is mostly a case if you use one of the armors not designed for the player, like the mythic dawn armor. This is because of how the game hides meshes which are part of the torso. It's been awhile since I've done anything with the issue, so can't help you very much on how to fix it, think it was something related to how the parts of the mesh are named. Might be able to figure it out by comparing a working full-body mesh, like arena armor, with a non-working one. like mythic dawn.

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