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If they actually use them. Perhaps most people just download files, try them and throw them away.


Also, 1.5% endorsement rate vs 3.7% is actually quite a difference in mod quality (or perhaps target audience? Maybe the crowd that's just looking to fap isn't likely to endorse?)

I don't think it has to do with mod quality. I have like a 2% UD Endorse rate, while CBBE has a 1.5% rate as an above poster stated? My mod pales in comparison to CBBE. Simply put, people just won't endorse even if they like it. They don't think about it.

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I upload for others to enjoy. I mod because I enjoy it. While I don't care as much about how many people use my files as some people do, I do think that the more people who see the mod the better. If I spent hours and hours on a mod and nobody ever saw it, I would be bummed. That said, I do not time my mods nor anticipate hot files or files of the month. Somehow I've hit hot files once but that's it.


My Art of Magicka mod has never been a hot file or a file of the month and it has 369,929 unique downloads and 3350 endorsements as of three seconds ago. That's more than enough. How I got exposure, was by starting the mod during the early pre-CK days of Skyrim and continually evolving it for months and months. And in my opinion that second part is what took it from a mod with a small following to a mod with a huge number of users. It doesn't have the ridiculous unmerited number of endorsements that some files have but I'm okay with that.


All of that aside, I agree with the OP that there should be more ways to get exposure. Perhaps payed advertisements? I could spend some of that donation money to pimp my mods. Nexus could use the money.

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Neither do I, but I still don't want to see advertisements only from the ones with the money. I also want to see advertisement from the ones without. ;)

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