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[Video] My stream on twitch! :)


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Hello Nexus community!


This is my first thread/post on the forums so I apologize in advance for possibly posting this in the wrong section. One might also see my self-promotion as a douchy thing to do seeing how it's my first post. But I figured this could be a nice way for people to get to know me a little in some way, hehe. :smile:


But anyway... What do I do?... I stream my modded gameplay on twitch whenever I have the time. I noticed that most Skyrim streams on Twitch were completely unmodded, so I figured I'd try to remedy that in some way. I usually cast matches of other games (so far it being S4 League, which doesn't relate to Skyrim one way or the other) but I figured I might aswell stream something that I like to play quite a lot, which happens to be the reason I frequently come back to Skyrim Nexus. :smile:





(decided to give part 2 as an example, since in part 1 I had some outstanding issues with the game crashing when going from Riverwood to Whiterun :biggrin: ).


So what do you think?... I'm pretty new what comes to streaming any gameplay of my own, so any feedback would be appreciated. :smile:

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