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Creating a Follower - Help


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I've done the following and still the npc I made doesn't have the dialogue to make him my follower (Follow me I need your help).


-Relationship Ally Player

-added to Potential and Current Follower Faction, put a -1 in the current faction

-Made Unique

-Made Essential

-X marked Skyrim.esm and Update.esm

-Made my own esp the active file

-Assistance: Helps Friends and Allies


Am I doing something wrong? I can't even get into a conversation with the new npc interacting with him just gives me typical NPC dialogue. My only follower related mod installed is AFT.

Edited by DucksAreReal
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First you didn't give him a voice type.

Second he was set as unaggressive but foolhardy.

Third I deleted your follower factions, saved him, opened him in ck and put his factions back plus player follower faction. What that did was reset the factions in case you had saved after encountering him when he wasn't giving you the follower dialogue.


You were on the right track, but left out a few details. You now have a template to use when you make your next follower. I made the same mistakes when I first started.


Good luck.

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