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A teleport mod featuring the Ocarina of Time (with animation)


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I'm a regular user of Griptizon's Teleport mod, but I was looking at one of my stored mods, one that adds the Ocarina of Time into the game, and thought "What if there was a mod that let you use the Ocarina for teleporting?"


Just like in OOT for the N64, you would activate the Ocarina in your inventory, it lets you select a teleport destination, and then your character plays the Ocarina and is teleported. Be awesome for us Zelda nostalgists.


Unfortunately, I don't know how to program such a mod, let alone make the appropriate animation (if one doesn't already exist) (animation is optional). I only know how to do basic stuff in the Creation Kit, and I don't know how to make Papyrus scripts.


However, I have preserved some materials needed to make the mod. There used to be a well-made Ocarina of Time mod here on Nexus, but I think its owner got banned. I've preserved a copy of the meshes and textures he used, which IIRC the mod maker said were free to use. (Unfortunately, I can't attach them here; too big.)


If anyone wants to take a crack at programming this, I think a lot of Zelda players would love to see it. Also, those Ocarina meshes would finally have a use!

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  • 8 months later...

This is a pretty old post so I'm not sure if you're still around, did the ocarina do anything specific on it's own? The reason I ask is that if it was just a standard item then I think I might be able to work with it, if it did anything else it might be a bit harder to work with.

No, the Ocarina didn't do anything on its own. It was just a modder's resource.

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