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Cant find Zeta Samurai Sword mesh

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So yeah, umm I'm trying to make the samurai sword 2 handed, but the handle is too short and the blade is too short, and im trying to edit the mesh to make a it longer. The problem is that I cant find the mesh. I havent found it in the DLC05 folder, so i dont know where else to look. If you could help me,, it would be very much appreciated, thanks.

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NinjaKidXD09 - Hello!


"The problem is that I cant find the mesh."


All Mothership Zeta meshes are packed in a .bsa just like vanilla ones. Zeta's are in:


Zeta - Main.bsa


A .bsa is an archive that Bethesda use to keep all their assets together nice & tidy.


You can open it up with a tool, there's one built into FOMM under Tools - BSA Unpacker that can be used.


If you don't use FOMM, there's FO3 Archive Utility by ScripterRon:




The file you are looking for is:




Hope this helps!



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