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Is it possible to get two mods that modify perks to coexist?


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First I'll just say that I'm a total noob with the creation kit and the reason I'm even trying to do this despite that is because the masquerade perk from SkyRe doesn't work. So to try and get a similar effect I've been trying to get Armor Disguises to work without overriding the sneak tree from SkyRe.


Tried everything I've found or thought of but nothing works, and I can't even get into SkyRe main esp (error about a missing string followed by a crash). So far I've spent the better part of the day just trying stuff out and googling,


At this point I've reached my limit with google and there aren't any tutorials I could find that would explain any of what I'm trying to do, so I've turned to the one place I could think of where someone might be able to either make my Raven a true ninja.


Is there a way to make either masquerade from SkyRe work without actually being able to open it with the creation kit or somehow make the perks from Armor Disguises function as part of Sky'Re's skill tree or as traits or passive abilities that do not need perks and keep the perk tree from SkyRe untouched?

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The first thing I'd think of is edit the Armor Disguises mod so that instead of editing an existing perk, it adds a new perk to the skill tree, so bypassing conflicts. If that doesn't work, I'd simply add the perk to the game but not to any skill tree, and when I achieve the non-functioning masquerade perk from SkyRe, add the working Armor Disguises perk via the console. A bit of a workaround, but it would get the job done.

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