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trouble making beggars followers


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I'm trying to make the beggar Silda a follower and marriage option in Skyrim.


added to the currentfollowerfaction and set it to -1

added to the potentialfollowerfaction

added to the potentialmarriagefaction

set a relationship with the player as an ally

set her base disposition to 75


I thought it would work, but when I actually test it in Skyrim, the dialogue simply doesn't show up. I can ask her to train me to be a better pickpocket, like usual, but the follower dialogue doesn't appear.

I thought that perhaps her voice type simply didn't have follower dialogue, but switching the voice type to ones I've used in other followers didn't work either.


Anyone know what the problem might be?

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Isnt this the same issue as here? :smile:



Might help...



Edit: oh no, I am mistaking perhaps (I never modded characters, was just something I read today)



Most likely not the same problem. I've made several new NPCs before that all worked. All his suggested changes are already part of my changes to the beggars.

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