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Customizing project enb


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I have a question about customizing your DOFs. Project ENB offers various presets. I like fantasy and realistic presets. I like Fantasy's color feel and also the distant DOF, how the mountains are always blurred unless you are focused on them. However, I like the close DOF effects of realistic, how your character is blurred when in 3rd person and you are focused far off, or how close things in general are blurred if not focused on. On top of that, I like how things are REALLY out of focus when you are focused on a super close object, also the specularity of objects is awesome. How would I go about "combining" them. I tried messing around with the ingame gui but it doesn't really help with DOF effects.

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Would not this be more appropriate to ask on the Project ENB page? You'd get the answer straight from the ENB author or some of the more well-versed users/fans of said ENB.

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You can use the enbeffectprepass.fx file (controls DoF) of any setting with whatever setting you like... just copy the single prepass file of the DoF you like into Skyrim folder.


Eg. You can use the Cinematics prepass file with Realistic settings if you like Cinematics DoF better. Just copy and overwrite (just the prepass file of course).



Wait I read wrong...

Edited by prod80
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will be impossible to get help (if youre looking for someone to just rewrite DOF for you)... but I can guide you a little. Tho im not going to write/test the DOF file for Project ENB...


This file contains the DOF settings for each version: enbeffectprepass.fx


When you open the file you can view the parameters




//internal parameters, can be modified


#define AUTO_FOCUS
#define TILT_SHIFT
//#define POLYGON_NUM 5

// for auto focus
float2 FocusPoint=float2(0.5, 0.5);
float FocusSampleRange=1.00;
float NearBlurCurve=10.00;
float FarBlurCurve=1.00;
float DepthClip=10000.0;

// for static dof
float FocalPlaneDepth=0.0;
float FarBlurDepth=150.00;

// for tilt shift
float TiltShiftAngle=30.0;

// common
float BokehBias=0.00;
float BokehBiasCurve=0.75;
float BokehBrightnessThreshold=1.00;
float BokehBrightnessMultipiler=0.00;
float RadiusSacleMultipiler=2.50;

// noise grain
float NoiseAmount=0.0;
float NoiseCurve=0.0;

float ChromaticAberrationAmount=0.25;





// Internal parameters, can be modified
float EBlurSamplingRange = 4.0; // not used
float EApertureScale = 4.0; // not used



So what you see here?


Realistic has no parameters. So really the only thing it does is blurring everything and the very ends of visual range.


So what you need to figure out is how to make everything at the far end blurred to your liking.


I would edit the enbeffectprepass.fx file for fantasy and play with these values under auto focus;


float NearBlurCurve=10.00;
float FarBlurCurve=1.00;

float DepthClip=10000.0;


higher values is less blur under the curves, depthclip is the maximum distance that can be brought in focus... if you look further than that it will be blurry no matter what (so you can blur out distant mountains if you like)


under static dof


float FocalPlaneDepth=0.0;

float FarBlurDepth=150.00;

these values control from which point to which point blurring must be applied (start and end)



I hope this helps you get underway. It's a lot of trial and error...


btw, just a side note... try the enbprepass file of Cinematic. That DoF is simply awesome.

Edited by prod80
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Thanks prod80. Ill play around with it when I get home. I actually felt like cinematic dof was much like fantasy. Would it be easier to just use fantasy... Replace the dof file from fantasy with realistic and work from there? Since I like all the other options of fantasy over realistic.
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the realistic DoF file has no parameters to adjust, unless you feel like rewriting the whole file. So you should work with one you can easily adjust to your liking instead of the realistic one.


I would take fantasy and just try to play with this setting first;


float DepthClip=10000.0;


lowering it a bit, perhaps.


You can do this with the game running... just go to windows, change the settings, save fx file, back to skyrim and press backspace to reload ENB settings... saves a lot of time. not sure if you can do it windowed mode... haven't played with DoF for a while now.

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Thanks prod, I checked them out. I feel like a nub cuz I couldn't even remotely replicate what I wanted... I'll post a pic of what im talking about exactly....


I know i'm bugging you a lot, if you are too tired to respond I understand, I'll explain anyways.



Fantasy and cinematic were pretty similar... notice that the mountains out in the distance are blurred. Me like.





Here is realistic. Notice that the player and the post are out of focus. I was able to replicate this in fantasy, however, in realistic, if I zoom out, the player becomes in focus, but in fantasy, it stays out of focus. Also... notice the specularity. This is AWESOME for pictures (not this one, when done right). :/



Most importantly... the dof in realistic is "dynamic"... the closer i move towards something... the more blurry farther away things become. So as I move closer to a pole... the mountains become blurrier and blurrier... heres an example of a pic i took in realistic.



Edited by RuthlessPheonix
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