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Prices for selling went quite lower than usual after installing Arrows


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Oh sorry, I did not read well...


You mean the last 2 mods in your load order? They are patched (changed) reproccer files which have then been exported into a custom .esp to change things reproccer is not changing or failed to change correctly (correctly being - what that mod author understood as being correctly).


They must be loaded after reproccer, or reproccer will simply overwrite the corrections again with 'wrong' data.


And no, this is not the DragonbornArmorFix.esp in your load order. This just changes some names from Dragonborn.esm armors to be processed better by reproccer, and must be loaded before any other armor mod, but after the unofficial patches.

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cool, many many thanks.


This weekend i will have plenty of stuff to do.


I want to install all the mods you see in my screenshot + the 4 patches you just indicated me, deadly dragons, water and categorized favorites (with skyre patch).


Is there any particular order in which i should install them or the only important thing is the load order i choose at the end?

I was thinking of installing Sky Re as last mod, following this procedure to install it, which includes balbor and steelsoul, reproccer and patch, so i don't make mistakes

Or maybe it would be better to install it first and at the end run only the reproccer.jar again? What do u suggest?

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About installation order... there's 3 types of installations

Mods that use esp/esm/bsa files
Mods that use lose files
Mods that use a combination of both

Lose files will always have precedence over the same files placed in esm/esp/bsa archives, so in case of conflicts they will always win. What you need to understand about load order where there are no lose files involved is that lower placed mods win over higher placed mods. This is great actually because it gives you a logical order to follow:
BIG to small

With that I mean that if you install Overhauls (lets say - weapons) you can start with big packages first and make sure that if you have other smaller mods that replace a certain kind of armor/weapon load them after.

Eg. I have a mod that replaces all NPC armors for a more detailed one, and lets say this with with an .esp file. Now I have another mod that changes just the Dark Brotherhood NPC armor, also in an .esp file... I would want that loaded after my bigger overhaul so it will win the conflict (it will obviously have one). This is of course only for conflicting mods... If you are in a situation that no mod conflicts then really, just put them somewhere, it really doesnt matter a single little bit... but hell, everyone is running 50+ mods, so that situation doesnt really exist anymore.

Usually I follow the following

[Official ESM files]
[Other ESM files from mods]
[unofficial Patches]
[--Here would go things that say to load directly after USKP]

[Race Compatibility]

[skyUI, iHud, RaceMenu, etc but not Character Maker Extended!]
[static Mesh Improvement]
[Landscape Texture Mods]
[Landscape texture, smaller mods (rocks, etc)]
[Flora Overhaul Mods]
[specific Smaller Flora Mods]
[Towns and City Texture mods]
[Armor Overhaul (big mods)]
[Weapon Overhaul (big mods)]
[All other smaller replacers of armor & weapons]
[skyRe Main followed by all additions except Races]
[Lighting Mods (Realistic Lighting, ELFX, w/e)]
[small lighting mods that replace a single thing like Better Torches]
[Weather Mods (CoT, etc)
[Water Mods]
[All player / NPC related changes to textures, faces, etc (big mods)]
[Changes to single NPC]
[Additional NPC's]
[All small player additions, like brows, eyes, etc]
[Animations, killmoves, no spinning death, etc]
[Charater making Extended]
[All Custom Races]
[Reproccer Patches]

Installing lose files simply follow the same logic, install Big to Small ... mostly you can just say overwrite (conflict) when asked, and the good thing is - when there's conflict you can choose which side wins by overwriting or not, so more work but more customization as well. Just be careful... some .esp files rely on lose files to be there and to do something specific (especially Animations!) so overwriting lose files belonging to a mod that does something with them can have unexpected results. Those mods are mostly also listed as not compatible, but mostly it's something unclear as 'Not compatible with mods that try to modify the same objects' or 'Incompatible with mods that change the same image space' or 'Incompatible with mods that change the blabla.hkx file' instead of listing any major mods that are known to be incompatible.


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thaks again dude, this clarifies a lot about the "load order" that you manage through the NMM, smth i had also seen in the boss video guide.


instead about the "installation order" , do the same rules apply ? or it doesn't matter?


BTW the owner of your longbows mods just replied to me via PM that those 3 mods are already included in the SkyRE 1.2... good so i have 3 less mods to install...hoping i will find some longbows this time

Edited by savior99
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That's funny, dont see anything like that on the SkyRe page... or that it includes the actual bows and not just the settings to process them / perk tree edits ... now I downloaded the full manual for SkyRe and on the very last page I read this;


Credits and thanks go to the following modders for allowing me to include their work in
Skyrim Redone:

747823 - Weapons of the Third Era
jonwd7 - Brawl Bugs Patch
PrivateEye - Heavy Armory
Borgut1337 - Sneak Tools
Grantiz - Recurve Longbows


Damn I missed that... then nevermind, I guess mine can be removed then as well...



For Installation order, it doesnt matter as it will ask you what to do in case of conflicts and you can choose to overwrite or not, either individual files or the whole mod... whatever applies. But yea, generally you wanna install group by group and overwrite large things with small things (because obviously when you do it the other way around you'll overwrite 1 or more mods installing a big one right over them -- and why would you install a small thing if you're anyway more happy with what the big thing delivers?)

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yep, he confirmed me i don't even need to install the dawnguard and dragonborn addon :smile: I will follow your adivice and cross my fingers that everything will go smooth. Cheers again man, your help has been awesome

Edited by savior99
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That's funny, dont see anything like that on the SkyRe page... or that it includes the actual bows and not just the settings to process them / perk tree edits ... now I downloaded the full manual for SkyRe and on the very last page I read this;


Credits and thanks go to the following modders for allowing me to include their work in

Skyrim Redone:

747823 - Weapons of the Third Era

jonwd7 - Brawl Bugs Patch

PrivateEye - Heavy Armory

Borgut1337 - Sneak Tools

Grantiz - Recurve Longbows


I was planning how to do the job properly and now that we discovered that longbows are included, another doubt came up.

Where should i place immersive weapons mod? after skyRE or before it?

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before it, but if it's included I don't really think it will matter... I don't know if when placed before or after is making any difference, I just wanted to make sure all the longbows of that mod were included. I did not test if there is a conflict or not... im not a mod tester :p

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Ok, i did everything...seemed fine until half more or less,



I have installed skyRE, following the guide, and run the Reproccer.jar , using the "patch" button successfully a couple of times.

Then i installed some other mods (water, deadly dragons, skyUI, iHud, convenient horses, climates of tamriel), at the end i ran the reproccer and when i click on ' patch ' it doesn't do anything...no error messages, it just closes...what can it be?

i also uninstalled, deleted and reinstalled again Reproccer with NMM...but same problem.

any suggestion welcome

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Reproccer is only for armor/weapon mods... if you don't install those, reproccer will see no change and just doesn't patch & closes.


If by any chance you did install armor/weapon mods and reproccer will no export those to the esp, tick the little box "force patch on exit" and close the program, it will recreate everything from scratch.


You can verify if it worked by closing/reopening NMM and see the reproccer masters list... it should contain all your weapon/armor mods that came with a plugin.

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