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I got a few questions, but I posted them here because they might be 'spoilers'.


1. Who and where is Unel Lloran? (I needed to find him after I killed the Spriggans at Raven Rock)


2. Where do I find proof of Engar Ice-Mane's Innocence/Guiltiness? (Skall Village...)


Both of these are in Bloodmoon.

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I would like to help you even though the second question, (from what i hear) Has been asked and answered many times. *Coughs SEARCH BUTTON cough cough* ^

Rissi ice mane has a note by her pillow. its not too dificult to find. l

And the other dude your looking for is in the bar i think...if hes the guy afraid of l the spriggans... I dunno my friend's being difficult... l




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More questions - but I can't find them on the search.


I became a werewolf, finished all of the werewolf quests, cured myself with help of the three witches.


Now, however, I can't continue because I do not know where the leader of the Skaal Village is at. Is he somewhere, dead, or did I myself kill him during the Werewolf quests and not notice it.


I have a seperate save file where I am not a werewolf just in case (but I haven't been playing it). Is that the end there or is there more quests I can do just staying a human and never becoming a lycanthrope?

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You've finished the main quest as a werewolf, therefore the opportunity to play thee Skaal quests has gone. As with the EEC quests there is a choice. There are sixteen miscellaneous quests most of which you have probably done.


So it's reload and play the skaal quests and if you haven't already, the Carnius and Falco quests are different, so it's worth doing the EEC quests twice.

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