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Thank you all


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I'm not sure where to post this so here seems as good a place as any :)


I'd just like to thank the modders and the authors of the nexus mod manager for their outstanding work. Having spent many MANY years on WOW I thought I'd give Skyrim a try and you guys have turned it into an experience rather than a game.


So thank you all for your hard work and patience and a BIG <virtual hug> to you all

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Agreed. I paid a month's membership the other day because I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment - and I'll do so next month, and the month after, and so on. This is the kind of community that makes you want to give back to it, rather than the kind that makes you feel like you're obliged to. :) Thanks to all those epic modders out there. I will join your ranks someday.

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