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Stardew Valley

Help with Barn and Coop glitch? (log)


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I am very new to Stardew Valley modding. I am using SMAPI and Content Patcher, plus 2 of Elle's Barn and Coop mods, and at least 2 more for some buildings and a re-skin of Krobus. For some reason, every time I try to relocate or purchase an animal for the Barn or Coop, the screen will freeze on my farmhouse and will not allow me to move my cursor so I can select my building to put the animal in. This is doing this when I try to do any Coop animal, AND any Barn animal. The rest of the screen animations move, but the cursor will not.


I have discovered if I place my cursor on the bottom of the screen before the screen fully loads, it WILL move my screen as if to search for a building, but then will not stop.


I CAN get out of this screen by hitting esc, or right click. It takes me back to my previous animal screen.


This is doing this on old and newer files. I am on Windows 10 Home.



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I'd like to add more information as I've learned it;


I have tested every mod individually and with others, and have verified this error only happens if I run Stardew Valley through SMAPI. If I run Stardew through Steam or it's shortcut, this error doesn't happen at all and I can move animals perfectly fine.

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