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Fallout 3: Sovereign Of Rites Project


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" Welcome"


This is going to be the new home Topic site for Sovereign Of Rites Project blogs the other topic had lots of errors and was well old. So join in and Descuss Diffent Mod Ideas and things relateing to the Sovereign Of Rites Project.

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had some trouble with a .nif i was working on it showed up the wrong way in geck looked fine in Nifskope any one know what i mite of done to it.


Got the Files for my Companion updated and working right. Hes a working Follower now but with out hardly any voice.





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Wow, you are realy anoying but at least your enthusiastic that I'm working on this thing. I don't get much of that and not much help ether. any way i've been studying script all day trieing to get these last few bugs out so i can get on with makeing this project. what i need is a command, function, Blocktype, that will comunate with eachother from script to script with out haveing to be a Refence. After that i should be able to get the rest of the other ranks made useing that same script as a format. as for as the building placement and navmesh placement i think i might get that easyer then the recruiting script. ive ben trieing to use the notepad auto script but i havent ben able to get it to work right or havent figgered it out all the way.
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any way i've been studying script all day trieing to get these last few bugs out so i can get on with makeing this project. what i need is a command, function, Blocktype, that will comunate with eachother from script to script with out haveing to be a Refence.

Mind if I ask you what for?


In any case, good luck with your mod. I, for one am looking forward to this.

If you need any help at all with the mod or with testing, I'm all yours.

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I know a trick for inter-script communication (without needing quests)


Use an X Marker position it at 0,0,0 in the cell and use:


SetPos axis ammount


GetPos axis, ammount




scn scriptname


begin onactivate


if XmarkerRef.GetPos z == 0

XmarkerRef.SetPos z, 10

elseif XmarkerRef.GetPos z == 10






If you placed that script on a button it would take 2 activations to unlock the door. The main thing is that more than one script can move the marker.

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well the thing is it has a quest and 3 scripts im trieing to give orders so that a npc will out a refence will follow, or wait. Its hard but i almost had it one day when i was in the wiki i found something about dataNode script or something but i cant find it again. also i already have a way of atacting the script to the NPC but no way yet to give it orders. Also i recompiled my script in my mod how do i undo that so its a smaller file.


thanks though.

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Quick question;

what is the SRSoldierRef?


I believe the problem is in the lack of REF. There's no in persistent REF.

If you're trying to hook a soldier NPC as the REF, you could try placing him in a faction of your own and then use that faction as the hook.


And the size of the mod isn't too big at the moment. It's just right.

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Hum it looks like im going to be at this for a bit got the Dialogue to work but the quest for SRsoldiers arnt poping up and nether are they.
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