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Fallout 3: Sovereign Of Rites Project


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Well Back to Doing this Project all day long. Oh well gives me the chance to work on this more even if there isnt no one esle helping much. If your interested in helping Mail, Yahoo, live me so i know when to chat to you and ways you can help.


Creds will go to me an Mattlock737 any way.


Mattlock737 where are you man i would like a wingman.


No problem Noobsause.

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just to give you an idea of what im working on heres the scripts for some of this.


scn SRStartQuestScript

float fQuestDelayTime

short DoOnce
short TimePassed

begin GameMode
;starts the Timer for 4days then add		;or cheat it to 1 hour
	if ( DoOnce == 1 )
		set TimePassed to 0
		set  fQuestDelayTime to 0.1
		if ( fQuestDelayTime == 4 )
			set TimePassed to 1
			SRGaryFlintREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
			SRRandyDevenREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
			SRJennyFischerREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
			set DoOnce to 0


;heres the shorter one
	if ( DoOnce == 2 )
		SRGaryFlintREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
		SRRandyDevenREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
		SRJennyFischerREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
		set DoOnce to 0


scn SRSoldierScript

;Follower Variables
short SoldierIsHired
short IsFollowingDefault
short IsFollowingShort
short IsFollowingLong
short Waiting to WaitingRef
short Guard
short Ambush
short Patrol
short Resupply
short PostHere
short DoOnce
short DidDoOnce
ref refvar

BEGIN GameMode
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
set refvar to GetSelf
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.DoOnce == 1 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRDoOnce == 1 )
		AddToFaction SRFaction 10
		refvar.AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowersPlayerWAIT
		AddItem SRSoldierInventory 1
		set DidDoOnce to 1
		set SRsoldiersOrders.DoOnce to 0
			if ( DidDoOnce == 1 )
				refvar.Additem SRSoldierHired 1
				refvar.AddItem SRSoldierCountList 1
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.IsFollowingDefault == 1 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRDoOnce == 1 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowPlayerDEFAULT
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.IsFollowingShort == 1 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRFollowShort == 1 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowPlayerSHORT
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.IsFollowingLong == 1 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRFollowLong == 1 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowPlayerLONG
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.Waiting == 1 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRWait == 1 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowersPlayerWAIT
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.Guard == 1 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRGuard == 1 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierGuardDefaultPackage
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.Patrol == 1 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRPatrol == 1 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierPatrol
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.Ambush == 1 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRAmbush == 1 ) 
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierAttack
;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( refvar.GetItemCount Ammo32Caliber <= 9 ) && ( refvar.IsTalking == 1 ) && ( refvar.GetHasNote SRSoldierHired == 1 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierResupply



if ( GetPlayerTeammate >= 1 )
	restoreav perceptioncondition 100
	restoreav endurancecondition 100
	restoreav leftattackcondition 100
	restoreav leftmobilitycondition 100
	restoreav rightattackcondition 100
	restoreav rightmobilitycondition 100


refvar.Removeitem SRSoldierHired 1


scn SRStartQuestScript

float fQuestDelayTime

short DoOnce
short TimePassed

begin GameMode
;starts the Timer for 4days then add		;or cheat it to 1 hour
	if ( DoOnce == 1 )
		set TimePassed to 0
		set  fQuestDelayTime to 0.1
		if ( fQuestDelayTime == 4 )
			set TimePassed to 1
			SRGaryFlintREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
			SRRandyDevenREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
			SRJennyFischerREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
			set DoOnce to 0


;heres the shorter one
	if ( DoOnce == 2 )
		SRGaryFlintREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
		SRRandyDevenREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
		SRJennyFischerREF.MoveTo SRMagnusBrichREF
		set DoOnce to 0



short DoOnce
short MakeSoldier
ref refvar

BEGIN GameMode
if ( MakeSoldier == 1 )


scn SRCivJoiner

;Follower Variable
short Hired
short IsFollowingDefault
short Waiting
short LiveHere
short Taxs
short Food
short DoOnce

BEGIN GameMode
;Starts the Faction.
	if ( DoOnce == 1 )
		AddToFaction SRFaction 0
		AddScriptPackage SRCivFollowPlayerDEFAULT
		AddScriptPackage SRCivFollowPlayerWAIT



Now this "refvar" i dont think its working right its sopost to get the REF of the NPC your Talking to and put it into the scripts. if you see any thing that mite be made better tell me or if you have any questions about this. Any way thats most the code ive come up with but it needs a bit of help geting started there an here. Oh the dialogue tells the SRSoldier scripts what do do basicly the SRStart script is a timer that dosnt work to well but tells the SRSoldier script and NPCs when to pop up. didnt work to much today on the mod got the NPCs to pop up but haveing problems geting them to speak to me when they do pop up i think it has something to do with quest conditions or some thing like that. Night im off to bed.

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learned how to clean a mod go to data you know when you boot your mod and click details then just delete what you dont want. cleaned my mods with it work great got it down to 400 something kb.
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Need to get these 2 scripts to work right 1s a quest the other is a actor effect


scn SRSoldierScriptQuest

;please work

;ID's for the ref
ref DoOnce
ref DidDoOnce
short DidDoOnce
ref Reset

;Orders for Effectscript
short Guard
short Patrol
short Resupply
short PostHere
short IsFollowingDefault
short IsFollowingShort
short IsFollowingLong
short Ambush
short Waiting

;Counts the amout of soldiers i have
ref SRSoldierCountX

BEGIN GameMode
if ( DoOnce == 1 )
	set DidDoOnce to 1
	set DoOnce to 0
if ( Reset == 1 )
	set Guard to 0
	set Patrol to 0
	set Resupply to 0
	set PostHere to 0
	set IsFollowingDefault to 0
	set IsFollowingShort to 0
	set IsFollowingLong to 0
	set Ambush to 0
	set Waiting to 0
	set Reset to 0

if ( SRSoldierCountX == +1 )
	ShowMessage SRSoldiersHired



scn SRSoldierScript

;Follower Variables
short StartingAggression
Short StartingAssistance 
Short StartingConfidence 
Short StartingEnergy 
Short StartingResponsibility 
Short StartingMood 
short StartingIgnoreCrime

;ID's for the ref that he has been hired
short HasBeenHired

;Sets the ref of the NPC this is on

BEGIN ScriptEffectStart
;This is to make the NPC a full fledged Memmber of your Faction
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.DidDoOnce == 1 ) && ( HasBeenHired != 0 )

		AddToFaction SRFaction 10

		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowersPlayerWAIT

		set StartingAggression to getAv Aggression
		set StartingAssistance to getAv Assistance
		set StartingConfidence to getAv Confidence
		set StartingEnergy to getAv Energy
		set StartingResponsibility to getAv Responsibility
		set StartingMood to getAv Mood 
		set StartingIgnoreCrime to GetIgnoreCrime

		setAv Aggression 1
		setAv Assistance 1
		setAv Confidence 2
		setAv Energy 50
		setAv Responsibility 50
		setAv Mood 5
		ignoreCrime 1

		set SRsoldiersOrders.DoOnce to 0
		set SRsoldiersOrders.SRSoldierCountX to +1
		set HasBeenHired to 1

		SetPlayerTeammate 1


BEGIN ScriptEffectUpdate

PreloadMagicEffect SRSoldierMaker

;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system

	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.IsFollowingDefault == 1 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowPlayerDEFAULT
		ShowMessage SRWORKS!

;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.IsFollowingShort == 1 )

		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowPlayerSHORT

		ShowMessage SRWORKS!

;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.IsFollowingLong == 1 )

		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowPlayerLONG

		ShowMessage SRWORKS!

;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.Waiting == 1 )

		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowersPlayerWAIT

		ShowMessage SRWORKS!

;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.Guard == 1 )

		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierGuardDefaultPackage

		ShowMessage SRWORKS!

;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.Patrol == 1 )

		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierPatrol

		ShowMessage SRWORKS!

;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( SRsoldiersOrders.Ambush == 1 )

		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierAttack

		ShowMessage SRWORKS!

;Sets the add Script Packs for the ai command system
	if ( GetItemCount Ammo32Caliber <= 9 )
		AddScriptPackage SRSoldierResupply



need the script effect to act like a script object and run like a companion follower script.

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Well got the Ordering System down you can now order NPCs that run diffent scripts, sill working on the other parts but you can get this and see where im at all has a image that shows the progress, and what is in the ful verson.



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  • 2 weeks later...




Ok in MS11 theres a Move to item there called DemoNukeMarker and it moves the devistated megaton to were it needs to be.

Im trieing to do some thing like that with my scripts for the build building scripts.


heres the code im useing so far, but it seems not to be working right.


scn SRBuildMainBuildingScript

short Button
short myStatus
float timer
float myAngle

begin onequip
set myStatus to 1

begin GameMode
if myStatus == 1
	ShowMessage SRMainBuildingMenu
	set myStatus to 2
if myStatus == 2
	set Button to GetButtonPressed
	if Button > -1
		set myStatus to 0
		if ( Button == 0 )
			SRMainBuildingToggel.MoveTo Player
			set myStatus to 3
			set timer to 1
if myStatus == 3
	if timer > 0
		set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed



What am i doing wrong ive made the Xmarker for my mod parent to what i want it to move.

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