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Get Old Retail Version Onto Steam?


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I have the retail versions of Fallout 3 and the 2 add on DLC disks (4 DLC's). The only DLC I do not have on disk is the Mothership Zeta DLC. In the Fallout 3 box I only have a Windows Live activation code. I have been able to load this game onto my new computer and get the game, and the 4 DLC's to run smoothly. I have also updated it to 1.7, and have several mods running without any issue. I did make the changes to the ini files and that stopped the freezing.


I have tried to activate this game on Steam so I can purchase the Mothership Zeta DLC from them, but nothing I have been able to do will get Steam to recognize it. There is an option to add a non steam game to your library and I have done this. Fallout3 does show up in the list of games but it still is not recognized by the Steam so I cannot purchase that last DLC. When I try it just says that I need the master game to get the DLC.

Is this not something that is possible, and that I need to try to find the Mothership Zeta DLC somewhere else.

I know I can buy the whole package (GOTY) from Steam for $20 but I hate to cough up the dough since I have the retail versions already and they are running fine on my new Windows 7 machine.

Any help of suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

Edited by Kodiak412
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Thanks I did try that and it has added a launch link into Steam, but it does not recognize it. It is in the list of my games but it never loaded into steam. I think it said it was just a convenient way to launch your game, but not actually loaded into steam.

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Well that's the only way how to get it onto steam unfortunatly Bethesda never really did anything to support the retail version of the game which really sucks if we're honest, if there is a way on doing this then it wouldn't be using the client it would be moving the fallout folder into steam apps and adding it into steam through an INI file that steam uses to recognise steam games. You'd have to research more into it because I'm not sure exactly where the INI file is and what you'd have to put in it. I wished I could help
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Maybe a friendly request to Bethesda for a steam key? I had a game Sins of a Solar Empire Trinity retail but I needed to patch it and update it, the only way that could be done was via Impulse (a closed down online service). I contacted Stardock after trying the same as you by adding it to steam and it not working. Stardock where happy to give me a key for steam which I used to download the latest version on Steam. Not sure if Beth would be as accommodating but its worth a try lol.

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Thanks awesome and lew.


lew that is a great idea and I will give it a shot. I have thought about just forking over the $20 for the GOTY on steam but it just kills me to do it. The $20 isn't the issue it just the principle of it all. I think I can still get the DLC from Gamesforwindowslive but it looks like it costs $10 and then still would not be on steam. Steam has it for $5 so that GOTY will only really cost another $15.


Maybe I'll get lucky though and Beth will give me a steam code for what I already have. I'll come back and post what happens. Thanks again the both of you for your replies.

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Well I got my answer back from Beth. :( I sent this:


Hello Anyone,


I have a retail version of Fallout 3 and 4 DLC s on disks that I purchased from Best Buy when the game and DLC's came out. I have not had an issue playing this on my Windows 7 operating system. In the package for Fallout 3 there is only a Windows Live key code. I have tried every way possible to get this game on steam so I can purchase the Mothership Zeta DLC but I have not had any luck. Is it possible to send me a key code so I can run this on steam and allow me to purchase the Mothership Zeta DLC from them. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Longtime gaming customer and big Bethesda fan,





Hello Kodiak,

Unfortunately we do not have any promotions of this nature at this time. If you purchased the game of the year edition for Fallout 3 all available DLC should already be on the discs. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

Best Regards,


Basically saying "Go scratch". Oh well. :(

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Thats a shame :-(... Typicall I have Skyrim on PS3 and followed the forums there when PS3 users had issues with the game on that console. I had heard some storys of beth not responding or not being very helpfull. Guess this shows they are not a very helpfull company and don't respect there customers too much! Well it was worth a try I'm sorry they didn't help you, Stardock on the otherhand seem to have very good customer support Beth should learn a thing or to from them.

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