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Why is my custom NPCs forehead discolored?


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I've selected her in the object window and tried crtl+f4, to fix discolored faces, but I think my situation may be a different. Does anyone know why this would happen? Only the forehead is discolored, it's like five shades darker than the rest of her face. From the browbone up.

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So here is a picture for reference. I did try both suggestions above and sadly nothing has changed. I even tried importing the face gen data again without any complexion/dirt/paint in case it was one of those things. I wonder why she's stuck like this.

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I am sorry I left out a detail. This is from this tutorial.


Select FemaleUpperEyeSocket.dds Or MaleUpperEyeSocket.dds.
Click full or head preview at bottom so you can see what it does and zoom into your face.
Set Interpolation value to 0 and Click the preview again so u can see the change :)
click ok And the highlight the character again and press Ctrl + F4 click ok.
Thanks to Amberleaf779
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Thanks so much!!! :kiss: To both rhowington and Amberleaf779. You're awesome. Everything was smooth sailing until I imported my characters face, haha. Hopefully I can fix it now that I have a better idea of whats going on. Thanks again.

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