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Problems with scripting, following tutorials to the letter but just ge


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Ive been trying to get my head around the scripting in this game and have followed a tutorial that says to create this script:


ScriptName trighot1(name is only thing i changed) Extends ObjectReference

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ; Least 'costly' way to refer to the player

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == PlayerREF ; This condition ensures that only the player will trigger this code


When I press save I get this:




Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "trighot1"...
c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(38,7): cannot name a variable or property the same as a known type or script
c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(40,26): cannot call the member function GetParentCell alone or on a type, must call it on a variable
c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(51,14): cannot call the member function GetDistance alone or on a type, must call it on a variable
No output generated for trighot1, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on trighot1
This is common with any script i try and make, following tutorials to the letter except chaning names.
Is my creation kit just broken? Or am I just doing something wrong?
Edited by thelonewarrior
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Can you post your entire script? What you have doesn't correspond to the errors you showed. There are not enough lines in that script to match up with the line numbers displayed in the error. Also you have functions mentioned in errors that are not shown in your code.


When you display your code use the code tag -- blue angle brackets button

If it is reallly long wrap the code tag in the spoiler tag -- third button from left on top row (green & white square), select the spoiler tag from the dropdown list.

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It looks like your object reference class might have been edited. The errors being thrown are on lines 51 and so on which you clearly do not have 51 lines. have you downloaded a lot of mods for your skyrim?


EDIT: I just double checked. according to the error thrown your issues are coming from the object reference class, not the actual script you have typed. It is likely you've downloaded a mod which has changed that script.


Here is what you'll need to do. go into your skyrim Data folder > scripts and find a file called "ObjectReference.psc"

move it to your desktop and keep it there as a backup in case things don't workout.


Now that you scripts folder should be empty of the "ObjectReference.psc" file, open notepad on your computer and paste this code inside it.


Scriptname ObjectReference extends Form Hiddenbool FUNCTION rampRumble(float power = 0.5, float duration = 0.25, float falloff = 1600.0)	; Function to shake cam/controller based on distance from player	; should always be called on the source of the rumble, 	; as final intensity is relevant to player	if power > 1.0 || power <= 0; 		debug.traceStack(self + " called rampRumble() but parameter 'power' was invalid.  Must be a non-zero float less than 1.0",1)		; throw the warning, but don't return false - value gets clamped anyway	endif	float playerDist = game.getplayer().getDistance(self)	; ignore if the player is too far away	if playerDist < falloff		float intensity = (1 - (playerDist / falloff))		; ramp actual intensity down based on parameter value		intensity = intensity*power				if intensity > 1.0			; clamp to prevent invalid values; 			debug.traceStack(self + " called for too much controller/camera shake.  Clamped to 1.0", 0)			intensity = 1.0 		elseif intensity <= 0			; clamp to prevent invalid values; 			debug.traceStack(self + " called for too little controller/camera shake", 0)			intensity = 0			return false		endif		game.shakeCamera(game.getPlayer(), intensity)		game.shakeController(intensity, intensity, duration)		return true	else; 		debug.traceStack(self + "called for rampedRumble(), but player is too far away", 0)		return False	endifendFUNCTION; Function to know if I'm near the player (whether I can be safely enabled or disabled)bool Function IsNearPlayer()	Actor player = Game.GetPlayer()	Cell targetCell = self.GetParentCell()	Cell playerCell = player.GetParentCell()		if (targetCell != playerCell)		; player and target are in different cells		if (targetCell && targetCell.IsInterior() || playerCell && playerCell.IsInterior())			; in different cells and at least one is an interior			;  -- we can safely enable or disable			return false		else			; both in an exterior -- no means of testing 			;  worldspace at the moment, so this will do.			if (player.GetDistance(self) > 3000)				; pretty darned far away -- safe				return false			else				; too close for comfort				return true			endif		endif	else		; in the same cell -- err on the side of caution		return true	endifendFunction;jduvallbool Function IsInInterior(){Returns !IsInExterior()}  Cell parentCell = GetParentCell()  Return parentCell && parentCell.IsInterior()EndFunction;kkuhlmann:bool function MoveToIfUnloaded(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXOffset = 0.0, float afYOffset = 0.0, float afZOffset = 0.0){Calls MoveTo if the calling ObjectReference is currently unloaded. Doesn't do anything if it IS loaded. No waiting or while loops. Returns true if it does the moveto}	if !Is3DLoaded()		MoveTo(akTarget, afXOffset, afYOffset, afZOffset)		return true	else		return false	endifendFunction;jduvall:function MoveToWhenUnloaded(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXOffset = 0.0, float afYOffset = 0.0, float afZOffset = 0.0){DEPRECATED: DO NOT USE. Calls MoveTo if both the calling ObjectReference and the akTarget ObjectReference have current locations that are not loaded.}	while self.GetCurrentLocation().IsLoaded() || akTarget.GetCurrentLocation().IsLoaded()		;do nothing; 		debug.trace(self + "MoveToWhenUnloaded() waiting for current location and target location to be unloaded before moving. If called by a quest stage fragment, this may cause that quest stage to not complete until this function finishes (and if it's a startup stage, the quest will not report itself as running until the stage finishes.).", 1)		Utility.Wait(5)	;when this function is threaded we can increase this wait time... I set it lower for testing purposes so it reevaluates faster when I need to purge cell buffers in the Civil War when calling moveto on the player between Civil War campaigns	EndWhile	self.MoveTo(akTarget, afXOffset, afYOffset, afZOffset)EndFunction;jduvallFunction DeleteWhenAble(){This will become a native function... it will wait until the object is not persisting, then delete itself.}	While GetParentCell() && GetParentCell().IsAttached()		;do nothing; 		debug.trace(self + "DeleteWhenAble() waiting for current location to be unloaded before deleting. If called by a quest stage fragment, this may cause that quest stage to not complete until this function finishes (and if it's a startup stage, the quest will not report itself as running until the stage finishes.).", 1)		Utility.Wait(5) ;when this function is threaded we can increase this wait time... I set it lower for testing purposes so it reevaluates faster when I need to purge cell buffers in the Civil War when calling moveto on the player between Civil War campaigns	EndWhile	Delete()EndFunction;jduvallFunction AddKeyIfNeeded(ObjectReference ObjectWithNeededKey){Should only be called by ObjectReferences that have/are containers (ie Containers and Actors). Checks to see if self has the key to ObjectWithNeededKey, and if not, creates a copy of the key and puts it in self.}	key NeededKey = ObjectWithNeededKey.GetKey()	if NeededKey != None		if GetItemCount(NeededKey) == 0			AddItem(NeededKey)		EndIf	EndIfEndFunction; Property to obtain the current X position of the objectfloat Property X  float Function get()    return GetPositionX()  EndFunctionEndProperty; Property to obtain the current Y position of the objectfloat Property Y  float Function get()    return GetPositionY()  EndFunctionEndProperty; Property to obtain the current Z position of the objectfloat Property Z  float Function get()    return GetPositionZ()  EndFunctionEndProperty; Have akActivator activate this reference. If abDefaultProcessingOnly is true then any block will be bypassed; and no OnActivate event will be sent. The function returns true if default processing ran, and succeeded. If; default processing has been blocked, will always return false.bool Function Activate(ObjectReference akActivator, bool abDefaultProcessingOnly = false) native; Sets up a dependent animated object              ; This function should be used only with a coder supervision.  It is left undocumented because it can cause dangling pointers as well as very broken functionality ; for the dependent object if used improperly.bool Function AddDependentAnimatedObjectReference( ObjectReference akDependent ) native; Add an inventory event filter to this reference. Item added/removed events matching the; specified form (or in the specified form list) will now be let through.Function AddInventoryEventFilter(Form akFilter) native; Adds the specified base object or object reference to this object reference's container/inventory; Note that you cannot add more then one copy of a reference to a container (a warning will be printed if you try)Function AddItem(Form akItemToAdd, int aiCount = 1, bool abSilent = false) native; Adds this reference (which is a map marker) to the map, optionally making it available for fast travelFunction AddToMap(bool abAllowFastTravel = false) native; Apply an impulse to this referenceFunction ApplyHavokImpulse(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afMagnitude) native; Turns on and off blocking of normal activation - OnActivate events will still be sentFunction BlockActivation(bool abBlocked = true) native; Calculate's this references encounter level based on the requested difficulty level; 0 - Easy; 1 - Medium; 2 - Hard; 3 - Very Hard; 4 - Noneint Function CalculateEncounterLevel(int aiDifficulty = 4) native; Can the map marker be fast traveled to?bool Function CanFastTravelToMarker() native; Clears all effects of destruction from this objectFunction ClearDestruction() native; Create a detection event at this reference, with the specified owner. Sound level is between 0 and 100Function CreateDetectionEvent(Actor akOwner, int aiSoundLevel = 0 ) native; Damages this object and advances the destruction stage - does not return until the object is damagedFunction DamageObject(float afDamage) native; Delets this objectFunction Delete() native; Disables this object - fading out if requestedFunction Disable(bool abFadeOut = false) native; Disables this object - fading out if requested. Does NOT wait for the fade or disable to finishFunction DisableNoWait(bool abFadeOut = false) native; Drops the specified object from this object's inventoryObjectReference Function DropObject(Form akObject, int aiCount = 1) native; Enables this object - fading in if requestedFunction Enable(bool abFadeIn = false) native; Enables the ability to fast travel to this marker - or disables it. Note that if you disable; fast travel the player will see "You haven't discovered this location" as an error messageFunction EnableFastTravel(bool abEnable = true) native; Enables this object - fading in if requested. Does NOT wait for the fade or enable to finishFunction EnableNoWait(bool abFadeIn = false) native; Forcibly adds / removes the ragdoll for a reference to the worldFunction ForceAddRagdollToWorld() nativeFunction ForceRemoveRagdollFromWorld() native; Gets the actor that owns this object (or None if not owned by an Actor)ActorBase Function GetActorOwner() native; Get the current X angle of this objectfloat Function GetAngleX() native; Get the current Y angle of this objectfloat Function GetAngleY() native; Get the current Z angle of this objectfloat Function GetAngleZ() native; Get a variable from the reference's animation graph (if applicable). Bool version.bool Function GetAnimationVariableBool(string arVariableName) native; Get a variable from the reference's animation graph (if applicable). Int version.int Function GetAnimationVariableInt(string arVariableName) native; Get a variable from the reference's animation graph (if applicable). Float version.float Function GetAnimationVariableFloat(string arVariableName) native; Returns the base object this reference representsForm Function GetBaseObject() native; Returns the object's current destruction stageint Function GetCurrentDestructionStage() native; Returns this reference's current locationLocation Function GetCurrentLocation() native; Returns the scene this reference is currently in - if anyScene Function GetCurrentScene() native; Calculates the distance between this reference and another - both must either be in the same interior, or same worldspacefloat Function GetDistance(ObjectReference akOther) native; Returns this reference's editor locationLocation Function GetEditorLocation() native; Gets the faction that owns this object (or None if not owned by a Faction)Faction Function GetFactionOwner() native; Gets the angle between this object's heading and the other object in degrees - in the range from -180 to 180float Function GetHeadingAngle(ObjectReference akOther) native; Get the current height of the objectfloat Function GetHeight() native; Returns how many of the specified item is in this object reference's inventoryint Function GetItemCount(Form akItem) native; Returns the smithed health of this object reference (1.0 == 100%)float Function GetItemHealthPercent() native; Returns the key base object that will unlock this objectKey Function GetKey() native; Get the current length of the objectfloat Function GetLength() native; Get our linked referenceObjectReference Function GetLinkedRef(Keyword apKeyword = NONE) native; Get the level of the lock on this objectint Function GetLockLevel() native;jtucker, jduvall;This function  counts the number of linked refs that are in a linked Ref chain (ie object is linked to A, A is linked to B, etc. this then counts all the linked refs.);Often used in conjunction with GetNthLinkedRef();*** WARNING: Having a link ref chain that at any point loops back on itself and calling this function will result in very bad things. Don't do that!***int Function countLinkedRefChain(keyword apKeyword = None, int maxExpectedLinkedRefs = 100)		;Don't use this on a loop of linked refs.	ObjectReference CurrentLink = self	ObjectReference NewLink	int NumLinkedRefs = 0 	 	while(currentLink) && NumLinkedRefs <= maxExpectedLinkedRefs 				NewLink = currentLink.getLinkedRef(apKeyword)				if NewLink != self			currentLink = NewLink			NumLinkedRefs = NumLinkedRefs + 1		Else			currentLink = None; 			debug.trace( self + "countLinkedRefs() found itself. This suggests it was linked back to itself. This will create an infinite loop, so we are killing the function now. NumLinkedRefs =" + NumLinkedRefs)		EndIf					endWhile		if NumLinkedRefs >= maxExpectedLinkedRefs; 		debug.trace( self + "countLinkedRefs() bailing out early because it found more linked refs than maxExpectedLinkRefs (suggesting an infinite loop). LinkedRefs found:" + NumLinkedRefs + ", maxExpectedLinkedRefs:" + maxExpectedLinkedRefs)	EndIf			return NumLinkedRefs	endFunction; Returns the Nth linked ref from this reference (0 = self, 1 = GetLinkedRef, 2 = GetLinkedRef.GetLinkedRef, etc)ObjectReference Function GetNthLinkedRef(int aiLinkedRef) native; Enables all of the references that are linked, in a chain, to this one.Function EnableLinkChain(Keyword apKeyword = None)	ObjectReference CurrentLink = GetLinkedRef(apKeyword)	While CurrentLink		CurrentLink.Enable()		CurrentLink = CurrentLink.GetLinkedRef(apKeyword)	endWhileendFunction; Disables all of the references that are linked, in a chain, to this one.Function DisableLinkChain(Keyword apKeyword = None, bool abFadeOut = false)	ObjectReference CurrentLink = GetLinkedRef(apKeyword)	While CurrentLink		CurrentLink.Disable(abFadeOut)		CurrentLink = CurrentLink.GetLinkedRef(apKeyword)	endWhileendFunction; Get this object's massfloat Function GetMass() native; Gets the open state of this object. Which can be one of the following:; 0 - None; 1 - Open; 2 - Opening; 3 - Closed; 4 - Closingint Function GetOpenState() native; Gets the cell this object is inCell Function GetParentCell() native; Get the current X position of the objectfloat Function GetPositionX() native; Get the current Y position of the objectfloat Function GetPositionY() native; Get the current Z position of the objectfloat Function GetPositionZ() native; Get the current scale of the objectfloat Function GetScale() native; Get the number of objects inside this trigger (throws warning if not a triggger)int Function GetTriggerObjectCount() native; Gets the voice type for this reference. Will return None if not an actor or a talking activatorVoiceType Function GetVoiceType() native; Get the current width of the objectfloat Function GetWidth() native; Get this objects worldspaceWorldSpace Function GetWorldSpace() native; Returns self cast as an actoractor Function GetSelfAsActor()	return self as ActorendFunction; Returns if this reference has an active effect coming from a magic effect with the specified keyword attachedbool Function HasEffectKeyword(Keyword akKeyword) native; Returns whether the reference has the given nodebool Function HasNode(string asNodeName) native; Returns if this reference has the specified location ref typebool Function HasRefType(LocationRefType akRefType) native; Flags this reference as ignoring (or not ignoring) friendly hitsFunction IgnoreFriendlyHits(bool abIgnore = true) native; Interrupts any spell-casting this object may be doingFunction InterruptCast() native; Checks to see if the passed in reference is the activate child of this onebool Function IsActivateChild(ObjectReference akChild) native; Checks to see if activation is currently blocked on this objectbool Function IsActivationBlocked() native; Returns if the 3d for this object is loaded or notbool Function Is3DLoaded() native; Is this object currently flagged for delete?bool Function IsDeleted() native; Is this object currently disabled?bool Function IsDisabled() native; Because Shane got tired of remembering which way to call thisbool Function IsEnabled()	return !IsDisabled()EndFunction; Is any marker on this furniture in use?bool Function IsFurnitureInUse(bool abIgnoreReserved = false) native; Is a particular marker on this furniture in use?bool Function IsFurnitureMarkerInUse(int aiMarker, bool abIgnoreReserved = false) native; Is this object ignoring friendly hits?bool Function IsIgnoringFriendlyHits() native; Is this actor or talking activator currently talking to the player?bool Function IsInDialogueWithPlayer() native; Is the lock on this object broken?bool Function IsLockBroken() native; Is the lock on this object locked?bool Function IsLocked() native; Is the map marker visible?bool Function IsMapMarkerVisible() native; Executes a knock effect to an areaFunction KnockAreaEffect(float afMagnitude, float afRadius) native; Lock/unlock this object. If told to lock it, it will add a lock if it doesn't have one. If locked/unlocked as the owner on a door,; the adjoining cell will be made public/private as appropriateFunction Lock(bool abLock = true, bool abAsOwner = false) native; Moves this object to the position of the specified object, with an offset, and optionally matching its rotationFunction MoveTo(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXOffset = 0.0, float afYOffset = 0.0, float afZOffset = 0.0, bool abMatchRotation = true) native; Moves this object to the position (and rotation) of the specified object's interaction positionFunction MoveToInteractionLocation(ObjectReference akTarget) native; Moves this object to its editor locationFunction MoveToMyEditorLocation() native; Moves this object to the position (and rotation) of the specified node on the specified object's 3DFunction MoveToNode(ObjectReference akTarget, string asNodeName) native; Create x copies of the passed in form (forcing them to persist if desired) and place them at our location, returning the last object createdObjectReference Function PlaceAtMe(Form akFormToPlace, int aiCount = 1, bool abForcePersist = false, bool abInitiallyDisabled = false) native; Create an actor at this object's location. Level mod is one of the following:; 0 - Easy; 1 - Medium; 2 - Hard; 3 - Boss; 4 - NoneActor Function PlaceActorAtMe(ActorBase akActorToPlace, int aiLevelMod = 4, EncounterZone akZone = None) native; Start the specified animation playing - returns true if it succeedsbool Function PlayAnimation(string asAnimation) native; Start the specified animation playing and wait for the specified event - returns true if succeedsbool Function PlayAnimationAndWait(string asAnimation, string asEventName) native; Start the specified Gamebryo animation playing - returns true if it succeedsbool Function PlayGamebryoAnimation(string asAnimation, bool abStartOver = false, float afEaseInTime = 0.0) native; Play the specified impact effect - returns true if it succeedsbool Function PlayImpactEffect(ImpactDataSet akImpactEffect, string asNodeName = "", float afPickDirX = 0.0, float afPickDirY = 0.0, float afPickDirZ = -1.0, float afPickLength = 512.0, bool abApplyNodeRotation = false, bool abUseNodeLocalRotation = false) native; Play two animations at once - one on this object, one on another objectbool Function PlaySyncedAnimationSS(string asAnimation1, ObjectReference akObj2, string asAnimation2) native; Play two animations at once - one on this object, one on another object - and wait for bothbool Function PlaySyncedAnimationAndWaitSS(string asAnimation1, string asEvent1, ObjectReference akObj2, string asAnimation2, string asEvent2) native; Play a terrain effect that is attached to the specified bone of this object.Function PlayTerrainEffect(string asEffectModelName, string asAttachBoneName) native; Tells this object to process a trap hitting itFunction ProcessTrapHit(ObjectReference akTrap, float afDamage, float afPushback, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, float afStagger) native; Pushes the passed-in actor away from this object, using the passed in knockback force to determine the speedFunction PushActorAway(Actor akActorToPush, float aiKnockbackForce) native; Remove all inventory event filters from this reference - all item added/removed events will now be receivedFunction RemoveAllInventoryEventFilters() native; Removes all items from this container, transferring it to the other object if passedFunction RemoveAllItems(ObjectReference akTransferTo = None, bool abKeepOwnership = false, bool abRemoveQuestItems = false) native; Remove an inventory event filter from this reference. Item added/removed events matching the; specified form (or in the specified form list) will no longer be let through.Function RemoveInventoryEventFilter(Form akFilter) native; Removes the specified item from this object reference's inventoryFunction RemoveItem(Form akItemToRemove, int aiCount = 1, bool abSilent = false, ObjectReference akOtherContainer = None) native; Removes a previously added dependent object; This function should be used only with a coder supervision.  It is left undocumented because it can cause dangling pointers as well as very broken functionality ; for the dependent object if used improperly.bool Function RemoveDependentAnimatedObjectReference( ObjectReference akDependent ) native; Resets this object, optional place the object at the new targetFunction Reset(ObjectReference akTarget = None) native; Has this object "say" the specified topic, as if spoken by the specified actor (if one is; provided, and potentially "speaking" in the player's head.Function Say(Topic akTopicToSay, Actor akActorToSpeakAs = None, bool abSpeakInPlayersHead = false) native; Has this object behave as if the specified actor attempted to steal itFunction SendStealAlarm(Actor akThief) native; Sets this object's actor cause to the specified actorFunction SetActorCause(Actor akActor) native; Sets this object's owner to the specified actor base - None means to remove ownershipFunction SetActorOwner(ActorBase akActorBase) native; Set the orientation of the object (angles are in degrees)Function SetAngle(float afXAngle, float afYAngle, float afZAngle) native; Set a variable on the reference's animation graph (if applicable). Bool version.Function SetAnimationVariableBool(string arVariableName, bool abNewValue) native; Set a variable on the reference's animation graph (if applicable). Int version.Function SetAnimationVariableInt(string arVariableName, int aiNewValue) native; Set a variable on the reference's animation graph (if applicable). Float version.Function SetAnimationVariableFloat(string arVariableName, float afNewValue) native; Sets this object as destroyed or notFunction SetDestroyed(bool abDestroyed = true) native; Sets this object's owner to the specified factionFunction SetFactionOwner(Faction akFaction) native; Sets the lock level on this object. Will add an unlocked lock to it if it doesn't have oneFunction SetLockLevel(int aiLockLevel) native; Sets the motion type of the reference; aeMotionType: The type of motion (see properties at end of file); abAllowActivate: When setting to a dynamic type, allows the simulation to be activatedFunction SetMotionType(int aeMotionType, bool abAllowActivate = true) native; Sets this object reference as one that teammates will refuse to do favors onFunction SetNoFavorAllowed(bool abNoFavor = true) native; Opens/closes this objectFunction SetOpen(bool abOpen = true) native; Set the position of the objectFunction SetPosition(float afX, float afY, float afZ) native; Set the current scale of the objectFunction SetScale(float afScale) native; Makes the reference translate to the given position/orientation; Note: Rotation speed is entirely dependent on the length of the path and the movement speed; that is, the rotation will happen such that the reference reaches the goal orientation at the end; of the translation.Function TranslateTo(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afXAngle, float afYAngle, float afZAngle, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed = 0.0) native; Makes the reference translate to the given position/orientation on a splineFunction SplineTranslateTo(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afXAngle, float afYAngle, float afZAngle, float afTangentMagnitude, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed = 0.0) native; Makes the reference translate to the target node's ref/orient on a spline at the given speedFunction SplineTranslateToRefNode(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNodeName, float afTangentMagnitude, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed = 0.0) native; Stops the reference from movingFunction StopTranslation() native; Makes the reference translate to the target ref position/orient at the given speedFunction TranslateToRef(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed = 0.0)	TranslateTo(arTarget.X, arTarget.Y, arTarget.Z, arTarget.GetAngleX(), arTarget.GetAngleY(), arTarget.GetAngleZ(), afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)endFunction; Makes the reference translate to the target ref position/orient on a spline at the given speedFunction SplineTranslateToRef(ObjectReference arTarget, float afTangentMagnitude, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed = 0.0)	SplineTranslateTo(arTarget.X, arTarget.Y, arTarget.Z, arTarget.GetAngleX(), arTarget.GetAngleY(), arTarget.GetAngleZ(), afTangentMagnitude, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)endFunction; Tether a prisoner cart to the given horse.Function TetherToHorse(ObjectReference akHorse) native; Waits for the animation graph to send the specified eventbool Function WaitForAnimationEvent(string asEventName) native; Convenience function to check if I'm in a location or any of its childrenbool Function IsInLocation(Location akLocation)	; cache current location to avoid changing location while this function is running (surprisingly that seems to be happening occasionally)	Location currLoc = GetCurrentLocation()	if currLoc == None		return false	else		return akLocation.IsChild(currLoc) || currLoc == akLocation	endifendFunction; Event received when this reference is activatedEvent OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)EndEvent; Event received when this object has moved to an attached cell from a detached oneEvent OnAttachedToCell()EndEvent; Event received when this object's parent cell is attachedEvent OnCellAttach()EndEvent; Event received when this object's parent cell is detachedEvent OnCellDetach()EndEvent; Event received when every object in this object's parent cell is loaded (TODO: Find restrictions)Event OnCellLoad()EndEvent; Event received when this object is closedEvent OnClose(ObjectReference akActionRef)EndEvent; Event received when this object enters, exits, or changes containersEvent OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)EndEvent; Event received when this reference's destruction stage has changedEvent OnDestructionStageChanged(int aiOldStage, int aiCurrentStage)EndEvent; Event recieved when this object moves to a detached cell from an attached oneEvent OnDetachedFromCell()EndEvent; Event received when this object is equipped by an actorEvent OnEquipped(Actor akActor)EndEvent; Event received when this object is grabbed by the playerEvent OnGrab()EndEvent; Event received when a this trigger is trippedEvent OnTrigger(ObjectReference akActionRef)EndEvent; Event received when this trigger volume is enteredEvent OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)EndEvent; Event received when this trigger volume is leftEvent OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference akActionRef)EndEvent; Event received when this object is hit by a source (weapon, spell, explosion) or projectile attackEvent OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)EndEvent; Event received when an item is added to this object's inventory. If the item is a persistant reference, akItemReference will; point at it - otherwise the parameter will be NoneEvent OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)EndEvent; Event received when an item is removed from this object's inventory. If the item is a persistant reference, akItemReference; will point at it - otherwise the parameter will be NoneEvent OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)EndEvent; Event recieved when this object is completely loaded - will be fired every time this object is loadedEvent OnLoad()EndEvent; Event received when the lock on this object changesEvent OnLockStateChanged()EndEvent; Event received when a magic affect is being applied to this objectEvent OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)EndEvent; Event received when this object is openedEvent OnOpen(ObjectReference akActionRef)EndEvent; Event received when this object, if a book, is readEvent OnRead()EndEvent; Event received when this object is released by the playerEvent OnRelease()EndEvent; Event received when this reference is resetEvent OnReset()EndEvent; Event received when this reference is sold by an actorEvent OnSell(Actor akSeller)EndEvent; Event received when a spell is cast by this objectEvent OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)EndEvent; Event received when translation is almost complete (from a call to TranslateTo, "almost" is determined by a gamesetting, default is 90% of the way)Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()EndEvent; Event received when translation is complete (from a call to TranslateTo)Event OnTranslationComplete()EndEvent; Event received when translation is aborted (from a call to StopTranslateTo)Event OnTranslationFailed()EndEvent; Event recieved when this reference hits a targetEvent OnTrapHit(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, \	int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType)EndEvent; Event recieved when this starts hitting a targetEvent OnTrapHitStart(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, \	int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType)EndEvent; Event recieved when this stops hitting a targetEvent OnTrapHitStop(ObjectReference akTarget)EndEvent; Event received when this object is unequipped by an actorEvent OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)EndEvent; Event recieved when this object is being unloaded - will be fired every time this object is unloadedEvent OnUnload()EndEvent; Event received when this object's Ward is hit by a spellEvent OnWardHit(ObjectReference akCaster, Spell akSpell, int aiStatus)EndEvent; Set of read-only properties to essentually make a fake enum for motion types passed in to the trap hitint Property Motion_Dynamic = 1 AutoReadOnlyint Property Motion_SphereIntertia = 2 AutoReadOnlyint Property Motion_BoxIntertia = 3 AutoReadOnlyint Property Motion_Keyframed = 4 AutoReadOnlyint Property Motion_Fixed = 5 AutoReadOnlyint Property Motion_ThinBoxIntertia = 6 AutoReadOnlyint Property Motion_Character = 7 AutoReadOnly



save it inside your skyrim data folder > scripts and call it "ObjectReference.psc"


Just so you know the issue you ran into isn't a typical issue it just so happens that some mod you have downloaded had some sloppy coding practices and edited one of the most used classes in the game.


Now what you will have to do is launch skyrim. If it CTDs then one of your mods is trying to use the ObjectReference script you just moved. Find out which mod and turn it off.


P.S. the "ObjectReference.psc" code I pasted above is my version. I do not believe it is any different from skyrim's original version, and the codes I write do not give me any issues from it.


Lemme know if you run into any more snags. You can PM me if you need more "scripting" help

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Don't bother with copy/pasting someone else's text...


Which I just tried and is void of all returns. Without the proper end of line encoding the papyrus engine won't know how to handle it. Especially since there are multiple comment statements. Without proper returns the first comment marker would block off the rest of the script.


Just verify the Creation Kit to restore the scripts to stock. If you use SKSE you'll need to re-install those PSC versions after verification.

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Do you mean verify using steam?
I did this and it still appears, I tried both methods and the one where i change the objectreference file just gives me an error when I launch skyrim saying that application launch error (does not even go to the launcher, I disabled all mods first and with this new objectreference file I get the error with or without all mods running)

Yeah so I verified using steam, exact same problem is still there afterwards

EDIT: Im going to try deleting the file in scripts/ source/ objectreference and see if steam replaces it with the corect one when i verify both creation kit and skyrim as ive just noticed this file was modified last on the 12/2/2013 around the last time I downloaded some mods

EDIT 2: Ok nope, still happens even with the new file being downloaded from steam

Also just tried copy and pasting everything from an already existing in game script and making a new script and get the same errors

So according to steam, the objectreference file is the correct file, yet it still wont let me do anything in the creation kit.

Ive also reinstalled the creation kit to a new locaiton, but that didnt help

Well im out of ideas, ive tried following step by step guides but there is something wrong in my objectreference file that just simply wont go away

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  • 1 year later...

So . . . I'm currently having this same issue. Did you ever find a way around it?

This Topic is 2 years old, better starting a new topic and giving a little more info like pasting the exact error message then someone may be able to help you.

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And since that previous round of questions source scripts are now packaged into a scripts.rar file in your Data folder. You need to extract those source files before you can compile scripts. And if something does overwrite one of the scripts you can always just pull a fresh copy out of that archive if you need it.

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I know this topic is ancient, but I hope there are still people modding Skyrim, or at least who know more about scripting than I do. I have difficulties trying to make automated timed interior door close/lock script. I found some old Oblivion scripts with exact funtions, but they don't seem to work in Skyrim. Maybe somebody have any ideas, because I'm stuck right now...

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I know this topic is ancient, but I hope there are still people modding Skyrim, or at least who know more about scripting than I do. I have difficulties trying to make automated timed interior door close/lock script. I found some old Oblivion scripts with exact funtions, but they don't seem to work in Skyrim. Maybe somebody have any ideas, because I'm stuck right now...

Can you explain more about what you want to do. Do you want a door to close and lock automatically behind the player? You can do this with a triggerbox and simple script.

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